CrossFit King of Prussia will be hosting a Primal Challenge in January in order to get your nutrition dialed in and the New Year started on the right foot. Each week we will be hosting events to keep you focused on your goal.
Monday January 3rd - 7:30PM Kick off Meeting- Open to everyone, come and learn the rules and have any nutrition questions answered. We will post guidelines prior to Monday if for some reason you cannot attend this kick off.
Tuesday January 4th - The Challenge Begins!
Sunday January 9th - Balanced Bites nutrition seminar - Click here for registration.
Friday January 14th 8:00PM - Paleo Party hosted by Donkey. Everyone brings a dish and a recipe, we did this back in April and it was a HUGE success and a TON of fun!
Thursday January 20th - 6:30PM - Q & A with Laura Pappas and your CFKoP coaches.
Friday February 4th - 7:30PM the FINALE! Winners will be announced.
*This challenge will be a little different than past challenges at CFKoP; everyone will be able to participate no matter what your level of commitment. There will be 4 levels, a point system and some great prizes for compliance. You will also be able to choose or be assigned a buddy to keep you on track for support, not for competition (their compliance will not affect your overall results). Are you in? Post to comments if you are...
i'm in. but i'll miss my sly fox growlers during the challenge :)
I'm going to do it for sure for the first half of the month. Second half = 10 day holiday...may not succeed in staying paleo for it :)
I'm in! I will need a buddy to keep my arsh in line!
I'm in
I am in! Miranda, will you be my buddy??
Sure thing!
i am being serious about it this time. i am surely in and aimee will be my buddy.
also, to hold myself accountable, i am making a website that tells you what i ate, what skills i worked on and whether or not i worked out that day. this will hopefully serve as a protocol for anyone's ability to meet their goals in a year. more to come.
I am in :)
I am in too, funny that I read this post last night about Paleo New Years Resolutions and it made me think of our planned challenge - going in with a perspective like Jason's is going to make the difference. So I encourage you to do that challenge and think about WHY too.
Nell Stephenson Paleo New Year Post: http://stephenson.typepad.com/train_with_nellie/2010/12/paleo-new-year.html
I'm always in! :)
I am in too! And yes, I will def need a buddy for this!
Laura...curious about the WHY myself.
I eat clean, 80/20. maybe even better than than. minus grains and sugar, plus whole foods & I do dairy (and am okay with continuing to eat it)
I want to be a joiner for the challange...but i can't come up with any reason to be stricter than i am already...
last challange i gave up caffiene....well now my caffeine consumtion is even worse...perhaps I should tackle that beast again at the same time as everyone else challanges themselves with food.
Dear Alcohol,
I will miss you.
I know you, too, will be sad without me, but we will meet up again in February.
I am in - Dianne L. will you be my buddy???
I'm in for sure! I'm ready to get back into some more classes and see everyone!
I am in. Won't have anything better to do as I pretty much just work the whole month of January anyway.
I'm so in. My diet needs a swift kick in the a**
I am in. I agree that my diet needs some cleaning up, but I am not 100% convinced that paleo is THE answer or if it is just another fad diet. I experimented with eliminating grains for 30 days and didn't really see much change. I also ate more sugar to compensate for the lack of carbs. With my own body, I have had the best experience with Zone (40/30/30). But so far haven't been able to get back to being consistent with it. I cannot resist the temptation of sweets.
As for the WHY, the answer is always "beat Olan". So will paleo help me to beat Olan? Perhaps I should give it a try for 30 days to see.
I think I am in.
I'm in too! My hubby will be doing it at home with me as well!! Time to get the whole family healthy!!!
I'm in, drinking my last beer now while I watch football and UFC.
I am in!
I am in. Let's give it a go!
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