
Check out Joe's 51" Box Jump.

W.O.D. 4.15.09
7 rounds for time of:
10 Med Ball cleans
10 Burpees


Albert Einstein, three rules of work:
1. Out of clutter, find simplicity.
2. From discord, find harmony.
3. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

Paul 9:00
Aimee 8:09
Sam 8:07
Danielle 10:16
Doug 9:02
Kelly 11:56
Joe D. 15:42
Tim P. 7:46
Scott 7:46
Laura P. 8:37
Ray 17:37
Jason 11:42
Jon 11:42
Mike M. 8:58
Miranda 12:27
Jen C. 10:26
Nicole 10:55
Joe A. 15:37
Jeff 13:25
Mike F. 12:48
Lisa 12:56
Curin 13:16


Mike said...

joe, that is ridiculous

Miranda said...

Is this the 5:15pm work out too?

Aimee Lyons said...

Yes, this is the WOD for the 12:00 and the 5:15 classes.

Jill said...

Aimee, I have to go to the globo-gym tomorrow. Can you give me a strength type WOD to do?

Aimee Lyons said...

Hummm Jill, since it's Wednesday how back Chest and Back? Bi's and Tri's? A little Leg Press...Bicep Curls, some Tricep kickbacks....NOT!!!!! You should be able to get away with some Deadlifts at the Globo Gym try 5 rounds at 135 for 10 reps and then 5 dips, you should be able to find something there to do dips on (I'm sure they don't have rings, but...be creative). Just don't get kicked out! Make sure they don't have one of those signs saying they don't like CrossFitters...haha! Enjoy.

JILL said...

Thanks Aimee! I'll make sure I grunt, check myself out repeatedly in the mirror, walk around and talk to other people and wait ten minutes between each set just so that i fit in :)~

On a side note: you know what's sad is when I see these people at the globo-gym, with the globo-trainers and they are doing bicep curls and "working out" on the machines...I once spent $900 a year on a PT and never saw any results except a bigger ass! never again.

Jill said...

On another side note: I've becomed so obsessed with Crossfit that I've asked my boss to approve me a rental car so that I can go to the Crossfit Pittsburgh box to work out while Im away on business. My boss denied me...I will find away even if it means paying for a taxi to get there.

Laura Pappas said...

Great workout today Aim- harder than it looked. Thanks Scott and Tim for working so hard and pushing me to try to keep up with you boys!