

 AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
1 Rope Climb (15ft)
10 Box Jumps (20/24")

Rest 2:00

AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
16 GHD Sit-ups
8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

The first wealth is health - Emerson


Chloe Darley said...

Brennan 5+5 Rx/ 3+8 jumping C2B
Tucker 6 20” box/ 3+8 Rx
Subhan 5 20” box/ 4 ROM GHD’s
Brian 7+1 rope pull ups (4) 20” box/ 4+16 Rx
Jess 5+1 (1 pull to stand)/ 3+16 banded pull ups
Tory 5+10 (1 pull to stand)/ 3+16 banded C2B
Larissa 7+5 rope pull ups/ 4+19 Rx

Jackie Halpern said...

Mary 5rx/4+12rr
Cate 7 rx/3+23rx
Aimee 6rx/5+13rx
Jackie 6+1/3+16rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Keith 7 rx/ 4+17 ab mat
Pam 9 rx/ 5+12 rx
Gent 2 pulls 10ft/3 pullup practice
Eric 8 rx/ 3+16 rx
Matty Bo 5 rx/ 3+16 rx
Edwin 7+6 rx 4 orange band
Shannon 8+1 rx/ 5+16 rx
Erini 7+1 rx 3+16 rx
Geoff 7+6 3 pulls/step up/ 5+5 c2b attempts situps

Aimee Lyons said...

Teresa 5+1/ 4 foot hold
Terry 4/ 4+3 pullup 13"
Jordan 5 3+16 20"
Ali 5+3 4 10 ft / band
Lee 4 3+16 orange band
Richard 5+1/ 6 foot hold
Megs 5+6 4 17"
Lisa 5 3+5 band
Kathy 4 4 ski erg
Barb 5+1 3+16 (6" green)
Deb 3+9 4 Plate jumps green

Chloe Darley said...

Grace 9+5 Rx/ 5+19 Rx
Freaky 10 Rx/ 4+20 Rx
Josh 5 Rx/ 4 Rx
Jeff 11+1 Rx/ 6 Rx
Korynne 6+3 Rx/ 5 Rx
Graysen 5+5 short rope/ 4+16 banded C2B
Matt 6 Rx/ 5+16 Rx
Mike 6+3 Rx/ 4+4 reg pull ups
Rich 10+1 pull to stand/ 5 ROM GHD sit ups