
W.O.D. 7.1.19

Join us on (Thursday) the 4th of July for a FREE Friends and Family workout at 10:00 AM!

For time:
45 Handstand Push-ups
30 Box Jump Overs (20/24")
45 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10 ft)

(athletes can land on top of the box or completely clear it)

"Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have." 
- Norman Vincent Peale


W.O.D. 6.30.19

Take 20 Minutes to build to a 1 RM Clean and Jerk

Cash out:
For time:
15-12-9 reps of:
Clean and Jerk (use 60% or your 1 RM)
Air Bike Calorie

Community Note:
Good Luck to Sydney Hilliard today,
lifting at the  2019 National Youth Championships in Anaheim, California at 11am EST
White Platform- 16/17-64kgB

"Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success."
- C. S. Lewis


W.O.D. 6.29.19

 CrossFit Kids - Preschool class

9:00 AM!!

AMRAP in 18 Minutes:
500 Meter Row
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Burpees over Rower

"That man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much." 
 - Robert Louis Stevenson


W.O.D. 6.28.19


1 RM Snatch

CLICK HERE to compare to (3.7.19) 

Skill Cash outs:
for time:
200 ft Handstand walk
(or practice Handstand walk skills and progressions)


3 attempts at Max L-sit
(record time for each attempt)

"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." 
- Swami Sivananda


W.O.D. 6.27.19

3 Rounds for time:
500 Meter Row
12 Front Squats (125/185#) (from the floor)
400 Meter Run

Endurance Note:
Trail Run time! Meet at 6pm sharp at the Valley Forge chapel in VF park located on Rt. 23. If you don’t know where the chapel is, it is called Washington’s Memorial Chapel. Bring trail shoes if you have them, otherwise regular running shoes will work fine. Aiming to run about 3-5 miles with some hill work.

"Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come."
- Dwayne Johnson


W.O.D. 6.26.19

All for time:
10 Deadlifts (215/315#)
3 Rounds
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts (215/315#)

"A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results."
- Wade Boggs


W.O.D. 6.25.19


 For time: 
100 Pull-ups 
100 Push-ups 
100 Sit-ups 
100 Squats

CLICK HERE to compare to 3.13.19

"You can control two things: your work ethic and your attitude about anything." 
- Ali Krieger


W.O.D. 6.24.19

For time:
5 Rope Climbs (20 ft)
30 DB Clean and Jerks (all 4 corners touch the ground)
4 Rope Climbs (20ft)
30 DB Push Press
3 Rope Climbs (20ft)
60 DB Snatch (alternating L/R)

(Women use 35# Dumbbells and Men use 50# Dumbbells)

"Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life." 
- Joel Osteen


W.O.D. 6.23.19

2 Rounds for time:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Wallballs (14/20#)
50 Box Jumps (20/24")
Run 800 Meters

"It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win." 
- John Paul Jones


W.O.D. 6.22.19

 Congratulations to our 2019 King and Queen
Andrew and Cate

 The Coaches
 The Court
 Spirit of the King and Queen = Court Jester 
Dave and Lea

The Community 

Finally, the event that all of you have been waiting for!  The day has arrived and it is time to crown our newest King and Queen.  Our reigning King (Andrew) and Queen (Pam) are not defending their titles so the race is on. This is by far, the most exciting event that is held each year and Jason, myself and the coaches could not be more excited. 

The King and Queen of Prussia will give many an opportunity to compete for the first time, it will give others a chance to see where they stack up, it will push all athletes to a new level, it will provide an atmosphere or camaraderie and friendship that defines what CrossFit King of Prussia is all about. 
If you are not competing, we strongly encourage you to stop by and cheer on your friends and support them during the day.  At the end of the event, we will celebrate in true CrossFit fashion with a "stink and drink" and catered lunch.  Please feel free to bring some pot-luck fare and drinks too! See you there!

Registration will begin on 6/22 at 8:15AM
Announcements at 8:45AM
WOD kick off at 9:00AM…

WOD 1: “Uprising”
The Court has heard of an approaching army and a defense must be staged.  To defeat evil, the strongest must be identified to lead the attack. Lords and Ladies will have 15 minutes to complete the CrossFit Total, 1RM Shoulder Press, 1RM Back Squat and 1RM Deadlift.  For CFT, Lords and Ladies only have 3 attempts per lift once they notify their judge that they are beginning. A total must be posted for a score so choose your weights wisely and be mindful of the sundial.  

WOD 2: “Sneak Attack”
The element of surprise is our best hope of victory.    The enemy would never expect an offensive attack against their overwhelming army…so that is exactly what must be done.  Lords and Ladies will row the battle ships into position before cleaning the weight to load the trebuchets. Only after the enemy is disabled, can they return home.  The sages predict that this mission must be completed in 12 minutes to be successful.
50/30 Calorie Row
Hang Power Cleans (115#/75#)
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)
50/30 Calorie Row

WOD 3: “A Dance with the Dead”
The enemy is significantly weakened, but not defeated.  As the Lords and Ladies celebrate their victory with a slight variation of a native dance, they are not aware of the approaching danger.  In only 12 minutes, the Dead will be among them.
100 Double Unders – 9 Thusters (95#/65#) – 21 Pull-ups
75 Double Unders – 15 Thrusters (95#/65#) – 15 Pull-ups
50 Double Unders – 21 Thrusters (95#/65#) – 9 Pull-ups

Community Notes:
We will resume regular classes tomorrow, Sunday June 23rd.


"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." 
- H. L. Hunt


W.O.D. 6.21.19

This workout runs every minute on the minute for 30 minutes. 

Start with one rep of each movement on the first minute, then add one rep every minute thereafter. Example: Minute One: 1 Burpee, 1 Kettlebell swing* 
Minute Two: 2 Burpees, 2 KBS* 
Minute Three: 3 Burpees, 3 KBS* 
Minute Four: 4 Burpees, 4 KBS* etc ... 

Continue as long as you can adding one rep to each movement until you "miss" - until you can no longer complete all the reps within one minute. At that point you re-start on the next minute, beginning at one rep and adding up again. Your total number of reps is your final score for this WOD.  

*Kettlebell (35#/55#)

Community Notes:
We are excited for tomorrow's Annual King and Queen of Prussia.
Good luck to all the competitors.
Spectators are welcome.
There will be NO regular class on Saturday June 22nd due to the King and Queen of Prussia.

"I'd rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed." 
- Robert H. Schuller