
W.O.D. 6.27.19

3 Rounds for time:
500 Meter Row
12 Front Squats (125/185#) (from the floor)
400 Meter Run

Endurance Note:
Trail Run time! Meet at 6pm sharp at the Valley Forge chapel in VF park located on Rt. 23. If you don’t know where the chapel is, it is called Washington’s Memorial Chapel. Bring trail shoes if you have them, otherwise regular running shoes will work fine. Aiming to run about 3-5 miles with some hill work.

"Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come."
- Dwayne Johnson


  1. 6am
    Jeremy 15:43@135
    Dana D 21:01@115
    Sam B 15:48 Rx
    Kevin B 15:24@135
    Anthony D 21:30@95
    Rasean 21:12@115
    Jamie S 18:19 Rx
    Ellie P 18:39@85
    Jeff 18:46@135

    Mike P 17:46@135
    Neil D 19:56@125
    J.P. 20:51 Rx (2min break?)
    Gian 16:42@135
    Brayden 16:52@155
    Anna C 17:56@65 w/ 200m power walk
    Colleen B 17:25 (ski erg/8powercleans sub@125/800m bike

  2. 830
    Aimee 18:30 rx
    Cate 20:15 (95)
    Jenna 21:09 rx

    Seth 17:00 sc =]
    Christine W 19:58 (31#, 1/2 row run rd 2)
    Emily G 21:08 (75)
    Matt T 20:12 (135)
    Kevin T 19:38 (135)
    Caitlyn 20:56 (105)
    Marissa 21:00 rx
    Delaney 20:06 (75)
    Susan 20:23 (75)

    Tim H 18:25 (125, bike 1k)
    Carl B 20:00 rx
    Kevin H 17:04 (155)
    Steph V 16:44 (dl/ bike)
    Mike C 18:06 (115)
    Fayth 23:21 (75)
    Steph C 21:33 (75)
    Yex 19:39 (85)
    Remer 18:29 rx
    Pete D 19:58 (155)
    Rich A 17:03 rx

    Jack 18:20 (75# press)
    Ina 21:58 (53#)
    Barb C 21:48 (ski 400m, 30#)
    Barb Z 20:26 (43, 400/200/200m)

    Donna Zipf
    18:00 (12#db, 200m, 250m row)

  3. 430
    Lily 18:18 (110)
    Micah 18:22 rx
    Mike m 20:20 115#
    Tommy 19:55 (95/85)
    Bridget 18:57 115#

  4. 530
    Erinn m 17:56 110#
    Cory 18:16 155#
    Andrew m 17:19 rx
    Joe s 15:10 rx
    Dan m 18:14 155#
    Tyler 16:44 rx
    Nikki m 18:18 fs rack, 1000m bike
    Ellie 19:55 85#

  5. 630
    Hasan 17:50 (125)
    Steph mc 21:27 (95/85/85)
    Subhan 19:57 (belt squat 160#)
    Bhargav 22:07 (80, 1000m bike)
    Gia 22:26 (85)
    Laura a 18:37 105#
    Samson 17:41(135)
    Kim 22:19 (65, rack)
    Sarah j 21:12 (75)
    Jeff g 23:00 =)

    Alex b 19:01 (85)
    Missy 21:03 (75)
    Neil 18:52 rx
