
W.O.D. 4.7.14

Most of you will probably remember this children's series popular in the 80's and 90's. If you don't, no need to worry...we will explain. Each story is written from a second-person point of view, with the reader assuming the role of the protagonist and making choices that determine the main character's actions in response to the plot and its outcome. In this WOD, you are the main character and you get to choose your own destiny, HAVE FUN!

Choose Your Own Adventure:

First, select from the following:
A. Row 500M
B. Run 400M
C. 100 Double Unders

If you selected A. then either choose:
1. Pull-ups (butterfly, kipping, strict, weighted, band or L-pullups)(30 reps)
2. Sit-ups (GHD, KTE or V-ups) (30 reps)

If you selected B. then either choose:
1. Dips (paralette or ring dips) (30 reps)
2. Push-ups (regular, ring or clapping) (30 reps)

If you selected C. then either choose:
1. Walking Lunges (overhead, weighted or Dumbbell)(30 reps)
2. Air Squats (30 reps)

Based on the "adventure" you chose above you must complete the next exercise (15 reps).
A. + 1. = Thrusters (65#/95#)
A. + 2. = WallBalls (14#/20#)
B. + 1. = Deadlift (135#/200#)
B. + 2. = Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65#/95#)
C. + 1. = Shoulder Press (55#/75#)
C. + 2. = Push Press (65#/95#)

You will complete 3 Rounds of your Adventure for time.

“Arrogance invites ruin; humility receives benefits.” 
-Chinese Proverb



Unknown said...

At the request of Ryan Brennan

People's true nature is shown when times are the most challenging. What does look yours like?

Jason Lyons said...

I will never complain about having to be at work early/late again. I have no idea how you do it Tim.

Mike T. said...

Gina - Run/dip/DL - 19:32
Steve Z. - Run/pu/SDL - 21:01
Luke - Run/dip/DL - 19:42
Brian - Run/dip/DL - 16:47

Great work this morning. Everyone pushed the intensity and appropriately scaled to maintain the stimulus of their wod.

Melanie said...

This WOD looks fun!

Aimee Lyons said...

Susan A+2+WB=13:59
Kara A+2+WB=14:00
Jonathan C+2+PP= 16"07
ChrisT A+2+WB=14:32
Jill B+1+DL 16:43
Barb Z B+1+DL= 16:05
Diane A+2+WB= 15:33
Jackie A+1+Thruster=15:16
Lizzie C+1+SP 15:59
Steph I A+2+WB=16:22
Tori A+2+WB=18:48
Darcy A+2+WB=16:37

Susan-way to bring the intensity.
Kara-minimal rest--well done!
Jonathan-Air Squats are much improved!
Chris T-crushed the situps
Jill-Knees out--working hard to perfect it!
Barb Z- Deadlift form-spot on
Diane- improved rowing form
Jackie- took on the thrusters like a champ!
Lizzie-DU's were solid and good locking down of the core in the SP
Steph I- great intensity!
Tori-great WB corrections throughout the wod
Darcy--good depth of squat....

Aimee Lyons said...

7:00AM- for Miranda
Nick - run/pushup/deads 18:55
Sarah - Row/GHD/WB 17:53
Mark R Row/abmat/wallball 14:10
Justin R DU/lunge/press 13:35 rx
Pete DU/Squat/PP 12:15 Rx

Jason Lyons said...

Travis: 15:50 (B-2) rx
Ryan: 15:10 (A-2) ghd
Roman: 15:44 (A-2) ghd
Olan: 22:24 (A-1) rx
Keith: 19:16 (A-1) rx
Giuls: 15:57 (A-2) ghd
Aim: 20:46 (C-1) weighted OH lunges
Kim H: 15:51 (A-2) 8'
Shawn: 13:30 (A-2) rx
Nick: 13:20 (B-1) parallettes

Travis: Great to work on weaknesses...do some push-ups every night
Ryan: Great work on GHD but make sure you are not hanging off completely
Roman: Way to string all the wall balls
Olan: Amazing sets of thrusters, 14.5 revisited
Keith: Strung all thrusters, great work
Giuls: Squat is supercalafragalistic
Aim: Way to push on the walking lunges...ouch.
Kim: Your squats were great and great rowing form
Shawn: Back in the saddle and entire workout strung!
Nick: MUCH improvement on the deads, keep working at it!

Travis said...

Awesome wod and great 4:30 class

Unknown said...

5;30 Mobility

John M
Jen F

Keith B said...

Dave N A+2 17:32
Luke a+2 16:28
Matt B C+2 17:34
Derreck A+2 12:25
Tim Mc B+1 15:09
Conn A+2 12:11
Cline B+2 18:58
Miranda C+2 19:12
Jonny C+1 21:57

Awesome energy in the gym tonight!!! It's awesome when everyone comes together to cheer on each other on like they did tonight.

Aimee Lyons said...

Alona B+1 18:57
Jen A + 2 14:25
Manisha B+2 18:05
Tim H A+2 14:38
Josh C+2 17:14
Shawna A+2 15:04 12#
Jill A+2 15:20
Patrick B+2 15:59
Joy C+2 14:25

Alona - great push a the end
Jen - Welcome to KoP--your spirit in the class is great!
Manisha - solid effort through the whole wod!
Tim H. - great work on the rowing form
Josh- kudos for improved Air Squat and DU progress, the "clam" will go away soon
Shawna--14# WB next time
Jill- welcome back, glad you made it off the plane!
Patrick- great consistency, don't take a knee to early on those ring Push-ups
Joy - nice job with 53# on the PP!

Great to have three coaches working side by side in this class. All around ---AWESOME!