
Cate, Shawn & Liz = Walking Handstand FUN!

W.O.D. 11.7.10

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of Thrusters (65#/95#)
after each set of thrusters
3 Ring Dips
6 Pull-ups
9 Push-ups

When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.
- Zig Ziglar


Jeff said...

9:00 results

Kim G 26:53 (35#)
Mike T 14:36 (Rx)
Lisa C 26:46 (35#)
Jessica 28:50 (35#)
Granny 20:35 (Rx)
Kristen S 27:48 (45#)

10:00 results

Mel 28:55 (65#)
Karen 25:43 (55#)
Danny 18:35 (Rx)
Vinny 21:26 (Rx)
Dianne 31:20 (45#)
Kristin T 24:43 (45#)
Mike F (95#)
Hannah 29:21 (65#)
Lucy 23:58 (25#)

Coaches note: Great job everyone, way to hang in on a very shoulder/arm-intensive WOD! Welcome to Lucy and her first WOD here at CrossFit KoP, and a shout-out to Kristen S for getting through this WOD with all kipping pull-ups for the first time, way to go!

Kristen SB said...

Jeff, thank you so much for pushing me through this workout. You are a great coach. This WOD was mentally challenging for me and I wouldn't have finished the pullups and pushups rx if you weren't pushing me. Oh, and I actually had two 2.5# plates on the bar as well, so my weight today was 50#.
I also liked that you had my name on the board as Kristen SB...I should start using my married name - I know my husband would appreciate it. :)