
W.O.D. 8.6.14

3 Burpees on the Minute Every Minute

18 Minute AMRAP  of:

5 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlifts (95/135#)
15 Kettlebell swings (35/53#)

Weekend events:
Don't forget about open gym on Sunday from 11-1PM. Free for all KoP members to work on a skill, strength or missed workout.

The Bridgeport Barbell Club has 14 lifters competing on Sunday at CrossFit Generation in a mock Olympic Lifting meet. Come out to support everyone if you have some time on Sunday, the ladies get going at about 8:00AM.

"Sports are such a great teacher. I think of everything they've taught me: camaraderie, humility, how to resolve differences." 
-Kobe Bryant


Unknown said...

Happiness can't be found in a pill or bought in a store. If you want it, you have to be it. It really just a simple choice of thinking thoughts that make you happy or thinking thoughts that keep you upset.

Jason Lyons said...

Peter: 9 (Rx)
Justin R: 7+9 (Rx)
Kim G: 5 (scale)
Melissa W: 4 (scale)
King: 8 (115/45)
NIck: 7+5 (115/35)

Peter: Great intensity throughout, loved the surge at the end
Justin: KoP fart, silent but DEADLY. great intensity
Kim G: Loved the T2B, super impressive
Melissa: Did a complete 180 on technique and left moving wonderfully
King: Best T2B in class, congrats!
Nick: Super tight back on the deadlift throughout, great job.

Unknown said...

Giuls 8 RX
Alison K 8+4 RX
Joe G 4 45#/sc
Kate F 5+17 55#/26#
JZ 6+8 44#

Alison, you are a beast-even when you're not feeling well
Joe it was awesome to meet you, way to keep pushing
Kate FIRST TOES TO BAR congrats girl!!!
JZ you fought the entire 18 minutes, great form on the deadlift

Vinnie 5+8 115#/35# (thanks for dropping in!!)
Patrick 7+8 RX
Josh 6 95#/45#
Matt H 4 44#
Bill 5+15 RX
Candy 4+5 83#/26#
Shawna 3+15 RX
Dana 5+23 RX
Joe 6+16 115#/44#
Alona 6 RX
John M 5+13 RX

Overall this was an awesome class to coach-super high energy, everyone pushed so hard. Thank you for that.

Vinnie thanks for dropping in, it was great having you! Come back soon.
Patrick the deadlift form was solid, great intensity
Josh toes to bar were awesome!
Matt way to keep moving, toes to bar look great
Bill i loved your intensity today, made the deads look easy!
Candy congrats on the toes to bar reps!
Shawna-RX Girl, I love it
Dana i knew you could handle that deadlift, way to keep solid form and push for 18 min
Joe you fought for every single rep today, excellent job
Alona really nice transition between movements, very little rest time which was awesome
John amazing focus during the workout, you hit the burpees hard every time and got right back to work

Paul S said...

Steph C. 7 #75 Russ
Fugo 7+10 #75 Russ
Nick Z. 8+15 K2E
Diane 8+15 Floor
Allison B. 6+22 #75
Jill H. 6+14 rom/Russ
Susan 7+25 Russ

Unknown said...


Denise ??
Kevin 115# SC
Rebecca 7RX
Chris 6 SC 95#/35 KB
Marni 7+15 SC95# 26 Kb
Michal 5+13 95# 26 KB
Conn 6+20 RX
Matt B 6RX


Sue 6+13 35# KB/DL 26# KBS
Linda 9+15 Sc
Erika 6+4 SC extra swings
Dave S 5 RX

Anonymous said...


Sorry, realized I never posted these!!

Eric 6 ROM/65/25
Jilla 5+15 RC
Dianne 5+5 63/flr sc
Pam 7+5 Band Pull ups

Welcome to Eric!! Nice Job!!