
W.O.D. 8.5.14

 Boot Camp--MedBall Style
Kyle and Keith

Five 200 Meter Sprints with 1:00 rest between
(record split times for each sprint)

rest 5:00 Minutes

For time:
5 Rounds of:
10 Hand Stand Push-ups
10 Box Jumps (20/24")

“Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can't be done.” 
- Bo Bennett quotes


Unknown said...

Don't live a life of scarcity. Instead live a life of proserity and abundance. That way you can give some of it away. Whatever it may be!

Keith B said...


Peter :31 :32 :33 :33 ?34 10:32 Rx
Justin R :32 :33 :33 :34 :35 11:03 ab/sb
Fredric :30 :31 :31 :31 :31 15:18
Brian H :34 :36 :39 :41 :43 11:07 ww/sb

Anonymous said...

gavin 36,40,40,42,40, 8:15Rx
Denise 44,44,44,44,46 6:08 inclinePU/13" box

Welcome to Denise!! today was her first class!! You did great!

Anonymous said...

You may have heard of the National Pro Grid League, a professional league of co-ed teams competing in the sport of Grid (strategic team athletics racing). The Philadelphia Founders are one of the eight inaugural teams in this league, and our box will be attending the team’s first and only home event this 2014 season.

On Thursday, September 4th at 7 p.m. at the Liacouras Center, the Philadelphia Founders will take the Grid against the Miami Surge in a two-hour match that will test strength, endurance, mobility, agility, speed, and teamwork.

We invite you to come out and bring your friends, spouses, and children. Watching this sport is exciting, fast-paced and fun. Better yet, anyone can watch and understand who's winning by how the Grid is set up. They’ll also have fun for kids with face painting, a bouncy house, and pictures with Thunder Guns, the official mascot of the Philadelphia Founders.

Next time you come in to workout, stop by the sign-up sheet located outside the bathrooms in the lobby, to make sure you get your tickets at our group rate. There will be a poster located near the sign-up sheet for more information. You can also go to: http://phillyfounders.com to learn more about the team.

We will need 10 people to get the group rate.

Jason Lyons said...

Kyle: 1:20, 1:04, 1:04, 1:21, 1:05 (11:43 sb/plates)
Jill A: 34, 37, 40, 42, 46 (9:27 5 HSPU/rd)
Keith: 42, 47, 53, 54, 55 (7:43 rx)

Patrick: 30, 32, 34, 36, 36 (7:32 rx)
Zak: 25, 29, 29, 37, 36 (8:10 sb)
Tim M: 29, 31, 33, 35, 35 (11:13 rx+ defecit 45+35)
Matt H: 27, 31, 33, 35, 34 (7:35 sb)
Flounder: 34, 38, 43, 47, 48 (10:12 sb/20")

Kyle: No excuses...pure inspiration
Jill A: Ohhhh, I do have HSPU...and they're EASY
Keith: great intensity throughout
Patrick: Best time of the day. BOOYAH
Zak: You are fast, endurance will come
Tim M: Challenge accepted and conquered
Matt H: Better HS position. good work
Flounder: Best SB I saw you do. 10 a night.

Unknown said...

6:30 Mobility

Chris B
Therese W
Matt H

Welcome Therese to your first Mobility class! Hopefully we weren't too hard on you!


Regi 30,34,36,42,54 7:14 RX
Jess Ssss 33,35,37,42,58 5:45
Rachel 33,36,49,42,1:08 8:46
Michal 33,35,42,39,1:07 10:15
Chris B 33,48.48,55,55 8:45

Unknown said...

Thanks for challenging me to day Coach.

Paul S said...

Jackie 41, 46, 57, 1:10, 1:17 - 5:53 SC
Sarah W. 41, 48, 59, 1:28, 1:34 - 4:57 SC
Jonathan (Row) 58, 54, 56, 55, 59 - 5:53 SC
Barb (Row) 1:03, 59, 1:09, 1:02, 1:03 - 5:58 SC
Susan 34, 34, 42, 46, 58 - 5:40 SC
Fran 44, 48.9, 1:00, 1:18, 1:21- 6:25 SC
Fugp 36, 37, 37, 39, 40 - 6:55 SC
Steph C. 35, 36.7, 39, 40, 58 - 8:04 SB
Marni 30, 32.8, 37, 34, 39 - 8:58 SC
Nico 35, 37.9, 40, 44, 42 - 8:05 SC
Jill C. 30, 31, 30, 34, 33 - 7:28 SC