
W.O.D. 8.15.14

Hang Power Clean

On the minute for 7 Minutes:
2 Burpees
5 Hang Power Cleans at 70% of your 2 RM

"Forget about the consequences of failure. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success." 
-Denis Waitley


Unknown said...

Realize that we are always in a constant state of change. If we are not careful to always new changes in our life then we essentially live the same day every day and eventually begin to drift backwards. I propose that we all do one thing different everyday. Even something as simple as using a new word everyday will keep it interesting. You realize that if you did this everyday for a month that you would have learned almost a whole new vocabulary?

Anonymous said...

kim 100
tracy 120
ellie 100
mike s 115

Chett Form
Melissa Form

Marci 70
Darren 205
mark C 185
Chris D ? I think 145
Pam 100

Alex F 155PR (165x1) Both Clean PRS!
Justin 225
Kevin 95

Lots of solid good work. Many people learning the clean for the first time today!! Be patient the pieces will come together little by little each time!! Just keep using those legs!!

Paul S said...

Susan 95
Barb 105
Fran 50
Jill H. 85
Joe G. 165
Jonathan 155
Brittany 95
Rich 135
Gailinn 65
Dana 93
Jackie 125
Allison B. 100
Rachel 125
Kate F. 88 PR
Josh 175 PR
Candy 90
Dave 135
Bill 185
Matt 175
John M. 155

Footwork has to be consistent...
Let that bar come down on the shoulders, You can't place the bar gently and hope to lift any kind of weight...
Working on your squats will build confidence to get under the bar, so many of you failed with the bar at your neck, confidence.