
W.O.D. 8.29.14

3 Rounds of:
400 Meter Run
20 Burpees
10 Hand Stand Push-ups
Rest 2:00 Minutes between Rounds

Coaches Notes:
(Your goal is to string the 20 Burpees and 10 HSPU, scale HSPU to Push-ups if necessary to maintain intensity) Record total time. Athletes will watch their own rest on the clock.

Community Notes:
Click here to sign up for Monday's Labor Day Wod!

There will be no CrossFit Kids classes this weekend.

"Become addicted to constant and never ending self improvement."
-Anthony J. D'Angelo


Unknown said...

When life shows up are you going to make excuses why you can't live it?

Anonymous said...

Steve 19:13 Modified Push up
Kim G 21:15 Row/SB
Mike S 17:45 Push ups
Justin D 22:05 Modified Push Ups

Pete 17:25 Rx
Mark C 17:33 row/HSPU&SB

Great meeting you Justin! For those of you struggling with push ups, work the full range of motion incline!!

Paul S said...

Samson 15:12 sb
Rich 21:20 sb
Jill 18:45 sb
Mark C. 17:49 sb
Dianne 22:30 sb/row
Joy 18:08 pu
Rebecca 15:31 sb
Nick Z. 14:16 sb
Melissa 21:46 sb

Paul S said...

Justin 15:54 sb
Dana 16:40 sb
Regi 16:00 RX
Ryan A. 21:41 sb
Bre G. 17:35 sb
King 16:13 RX
Michal 16:49 sb
Payne 17:00 sb
Alex 16:40 sb

Anonymous said...


Jess 18:39 rom
Denise ? Kick up attempts
Kevin 17:17 sb
Gavin 17:22 rx
Keith g 14:28 rx
Marci 21:22 kick up att/push-up

Awesome work today on getting upside down on the wall. Keep practicing and you'll get it!

Anonymous said...

Jonathan 19:20 rx
Kate f 24:19 rom
Josh p 17:35 sb
Tim m 16:29 rx+ (25# plate deficit)

Congrats to Kate f for getting her first full rom hspu!

Paul S said...

Lizzie 17:50 sb
Alona 18:44 3am
Jen 15:20 2am
Patrick 18:00 RX
Rachel 17:36 sb
Sue k. 18:35 sb
Erika 17:54 sb

Sometimes just because we can do the movement, doesn't mean we can "do" the movement. Scaling doesn't mean you are getting any less of a workout. It means you are working on a certain aspect to get better, get fitter, etc... Time for us to start to really think about scaling and/or doing the WOD to get better. Not try to look cool or post a fast time. Let's get better.