
W.O.D. 8.4.14

Back Squat
1 RM
(take as many sets as necessary to get to your 1RM)

Cash out:
1000 Meter Row (go for max effort)

Record scores to TotalWoD

Coaches Notes:
This month we will have a strength focus on the Squat.  This week we will be testing our 1RM on Back and Front Squats.  Once you obtain those numbers, we will then use the numbers for the balance of the month as we will be working off of a % of that number each week. 

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise” 
-Oscar Wilde


Unknown said...

My feeling is that we are either moving forward or drifting backwards in life, there is no plateau.

Mike T. said...

Ellie - 155# 4:19

Way to push it this morning Ellie!!

Aimee Lyons said...

Sarah W 55# to ball/5:16
Jill 115# to ball/4:30
Barb 145 #/4:24
Jackie 180#/4:04
Alison 113#/4:35
Diane 3:25#PR!!!!

Diane takes the top spot on the board and back squats 325### HUGE!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

Paul S said...

💪 Diane. 💵 in the 🏦

Unknown said...

Forcing me to do box squats made the light go on in my head...heels!!!!!!

Aimee Lyons said...

Marci 118 # PR/ 4;34

Roman 225#/3:22
Matt 185# 3:38
Kate 103#/4:40
Tim Mcc 315#/3:55
Keith B 335#/ 3:27

KB Boot Camp

Unknown said...

5:30 Mobility

Matt H

Unknown said...

Congrats Diane!!!

Keith B said...


Candi 180 4:22
Bill 385 3:28
Josh P 235 3:25
Dave N 275 3:36
Tracy 180 4:07
Kelly G 155 4:09
Shawna 155 4:09
Jill C 180 4:14
Tim H(not Mc) 315 3:36


Ryan A 315 3:38
Conn 235 3:29
Dave S 255 4:20
Chris 185 3:39
Matt B 305 3:25
John Mc 275 3:34
Stasie 165PR! 5:13
Brittany 235PR 4:09
Fredric 325 3:24
Mike C 285 3:56

There was so much excitement in the box tonight! I don't know what it could have been. Maybe the 80's music in the 5:30 or the 90's in the 6:30? It's probably just that everyone loves squatting!!!

Anonymous said...

Box squats rock. I wonder who suggested you do them?