

Recovery post WOD is important, make sure to roll, stretch or ask a coach for suggestions!

Hang squat clean 

Cash out:
Max height box jump

An untrained mind cannot resist the torrent of desire, while one that is steeped in practice and discipline is able to deflect any temptations, like a house with a solid roof remaining watertight in a shower of rain. 
-The Opposites, verses 13 and 14

Jay E 245/33
Gina 100PR/27
Mike S 125/36
Tom G 95/43
Lauren 105/25
Chip 205/38
Balmer 225/50
Brian D 95PC/33.5
KT 140/33.5
Wax 195/38PR
Rebecca S 118/33
Alex P 185/42.5
Nina 155/33
Keith 245/56 and 3/4
Megs 110
Ryan 285 clean PR/275 C&J
Brynsie 165
Aimee 160 PR
Mike W 205PR/42
Sarah W 70
Kyle Z 115/38.5
Tanner 255/39
BJ 205/47PR
Dawn 80PR/29
Barb Z 95.5PR/25
Susan 107PR
Beth O 85.5 PR
Kim G 105PR/25
Amanda D 65PR
Arin 110/32PR
Julie 35#form/30
Jason 230/36.75
Justin H 195/47
Justin R 200/43.5
Erika 103/33
Jim C 195/49.5
Stacy 110/28
JZ 145/41.5
Bre 95/30
DeeDee 125/36.5
Peter 165/41.5
Dig 165/47
Vinnie 135/40
JP 145, 37"
Diane 100, 30"
Mike P. 200, 39"
Paul 235
Melissa 85, 28"
Amy 63 (form), 30"
Oleg 185, 39"
Albert 195, 47 1/2"
Vinny 250
Steph 175 (PR), 21"
Linda 55, 25"
Nick C. 175, 51"
Kathy G. 45, 17 1/2"
Leslie 90, 29"
Olan 185, 43 1/2"

 army crawl warm up
 Ryan takes top honors on the board!


Gene said...

In the words of the great "Macho Man" Randy Savage..."Oh Yeaaaahh!!"

Chris P. said...

Happy birthday JZ!! You have been a staple at CrossFit KoP and your tenure has never gotten to your head. You are as nice to new members as you are to ones who have been here as long as you. I'm glad to call you my buddy and hope I can come over to watch TV soon. Happy birthday!

Chris P. said...

oh, and one of the first memories of you were back at Transaxle when we were paired up for a wheelbarrow warm up...we killed that!

Kathleen said...

Happy Birthday JZ! Since we are sharing fond JZ memories, my first one of you was when we were paired up at Cate & Hannah's baby shower WOD and the med ball was our baby. Now you and Jamie have your own beautiful baby at home. I'm glad to be a part of helping you prepare for the big life change! All the best to you today JZ you deserve it!!!!

Aimee Lyons said...

Happy birthday JZ!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday JZ; your a good dude, I'll enjoy the burpees.

Dan L.

Laura Pappas said...

Paleo 101 at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, hope to see some of you there!

Happy Birthday JZ!!!

Vinny said...

6:00am results

Jay E 245/33
Gina 100PR/27
Mike S 125/36
Tom G 95/43
Lauren 105/25
Chip 205/38
Balmer 225/50
Brian D 95PC/33.5
KT 140/33.5
Wax 195/38PR
Rebecca S 118/33
Alex P 185/42.5
Nina 155/33

Good form today on the cleans guys...most issues were due to elbows down and problems coming out of the hole. This can be corrected with front squat work and flexibility training...it might not always be glamorous, but it can go a long way.

Jason Lyons said...

LP, I have intro as well. We will paper, rock, scissors for which room we get up front. :)

Best JZ memory ever was an 18# wall ball in Atlas. He was huddled up in the corner. Epic!

Megs said...

JZ you were one of the first people to say hi to me when I joined! Everything Plentus and Dan said is true. Have a great birthday!

Mike P said...

Happy Birthday, JZ!!!!!!

Sam B. said...

Happy Birthday JZ!!

Paul S said...

Happy Birthday JZ!

B said...

Happy Birthday JZ!

Question for the coaches: How would you compare a max height box jump versus a single leg max height box jump?


Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day JZ


Jason Lyons said...

NICE lift wifies!!!! Proud of you.

BJ, it is surely not half because not all force comes from your ankles and knees which are essentially what you are removing. I do not know the percentage break down but I would argue most comes from your hip which you are still utilizing and a smaller percentage comes from your knees and a smaller percentage comes from your ankles.

Guess = Hips (70%) + Knees (26%) + Ankles (4%) so take out 15%

B said...

Thanks Jason!
I wasn't necessarily referring to my personal max height box jump, but I was wondering about totally going single leg versus two legs and what the ratio might be.

In terms of me, I think 15% may be more than what I'm giving up with the ankle, but I'll accept 54" as a challenge!

Shoeless said...

Happy birthday JZ! It's always a fun time when you're at the box. It's also been great watching you work with the CrossFit kids - they really look up to you, and very few people have the abilities to inspire and relate to them the way you do.

Chris P. said...


Ken 165 PR, 40.5" PR
Travis 135/25"
Tim McC 165 PR/45.5" PR
Sandy 98 PR/21"
Manisha 65/30"
Gene 225 PR/45.5" PR
Kate C 135/37"
Ben 195 front squat PR/42.5"
Tim H 185/41.5" PR
Jen S 135 PR/33.5" PR
LP 115/34.5"
Calvin 215 PR/42.5"
Mel 125 PR
Geoff M 165/47.5"

I love days like this where you can get pumped up and find some really dynamic extremes. First you had to jump with heavy weights in your hand, then you had to jump your body up on a box. Awesome. Congrats on all the PRs! Props to Travis M. for conquering the 25" box. Great persistence!

Byrnsey said...

JZ you are indeed a good guy. And I mean a good guy every time I have interacted with you. In fact you are one of those guys that make peoples day by just saying hello. Keep it up! Happy Birthday.
OH and thanks for letting me borrow your trench coat at Festivus! Yipes!!


Byrnsey said...

I was at the Nooner today for Aimee's PR (I think our warm up helped - he he) and Ryan crushed the Clean and Jerk.....Holly Smokes nice work!

Byrnsey said...

OK in case the warm up line sounded creepy.....I talked Aimee into doing yesterday's WOD with me before the Squat Cleans!!!!

Melanie said...

6:30 results

JP 145, 37"
Diane 100, 30"
Mike P. 200, 39"
Paul 235
Melissa 85, 28"
Amy 63 (form), 30"
Oleg 185, 39"
Albert 195, 47 1/2"
Vinny 250
Steph 175 (PR), 21"

7:30 results
Linda 55, 25"
Nick C. 175, 51"
Kathy G. 45, 17 1/2"
Leslie 90, 29"
Olan 185, 43 1/2"

Props to my girl Kathy tonight for jumping to 17 1/2" when for over a year, she could barely jump on 2 45# plates with 2 feet. SOOOOOO proud of her!

Aimee Lyons said...

Byrnsey- you are never creepy, well...LOL...maybe after claiming Ryan as your own...hummmmm. nooners?

Thanks for the "big boy" into doing a wod followed by wod, especially when Cate isn't here to "big boy" me into something else!

well done my friend!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!!!! Go Kathy!!!! That's awesome!

JZuck said...

Thanks everyone!! I appreciate the kind words.