
Mary Kate hasn't even been coached on the squat yet; but check out that depth and the weight in the heels!!!

W.O.D. 5.30.10

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Snatch (65#/95#) (full Squat)
Box Jumps (21"/24)
Pistols (one legged squats) (10R/10L...9R/9L...)

Today's Class Schedule:
9AM, 10AM and no CF kids class


"The secret of getting a head is getting started"
-Mark Twain


Roger (65) 23:57
Rob Ph (65) 19:12
Lori (35) 23:17
Rachel (PVC) 16:30
Barb (15) 16:56
Brian (65) 22:15
Kim (35) 31:22
Donkey (35) 26:16
Elyse (53) 32:05
Plentus (RX)31:10
Kerry (40/one-arm) 24:59


Patti said...

Mary Kate is getting so big and she is sooo cute!! Love the pic.

Nikki said...

Results from today:

Roger (65) 23:57
Rob Ph (65) 19:12
Lori (35) 23:17
Rachel (PVC) 16:30
Barb (15) 16:56
Brian (65) 22:15
Kim (35) 31:22
Donkey (35) 26:16
Elyse (53) 32:05
Plentus (RX)31:10
Kerry (40/one-arm) 24:59