by our house photographer Dave Zaveloff.
W.O.D. 6.27.09
your choice...
5 Rounds for time of:
800 M Run
30 KB swings (70#/55#)
30 Pullups
"baby EVA"
5 Rounds for tiime of:
400 M Run
15 KB swings (55#/35#)
15 Pullups
Lunchtime Snatching Session Part 2 with Mike Burgener by CrossFit Again Faster, CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]
"Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us."
-Boris Pasternak
Hannah 76:52
Tim M. 69:10
Jason W. 38:29
CP 35# 51:17
Scott 32:46
Jeff 45# 49:30
Doug 44:25
Joe A. 77:38
Baby Eva:
Paul 55#19:45
Jon 45# 22:48
Shawn 27:17
Liz 35# 26:45
Laura 35# 25:05
Nikki 35# 23:26
Meg 35# 20:46
Jill 35# 21:18
Cindy 35# 28:01
Mike F. 55# 29:44
Tim P. 55# 16:13
Awesome picture, Aimee!!
Yeah, Aimee! I better start at 12 so I can finish with the 1pm class.
Congrats Aimee on getting your pic on the mainpage again. And on your Christmas-in-June suprise, too.
Dave, you do nice work.
Ohh. Eva! I've been wanting to get a piece of Eva for awhile now. I have a couple thousand pounds of bark mulch to work through in the morning but I'll bust it to try and make it in there tommorrow.
I think I'm gonna put down the beer right now and drink some more water.
Thanks all! I love Christmas in June! I'm so stoked to go to Aromas and see the games live! Thank you Lauren Glassman!
Oh Boy, Just got off work to see this one. I might need to catch some Zzzzs for this one. Cant wait for noon!!!
You're gonna need some zzzzzz's afterwards too brother!
Awesome work and persistance today - everybody really stuck it out and didn't wine no matter how long it took them.
thanks for the support during the wod today. i may be strong, but mentally strong when it comes to running and pull-ups are a true challenge for me. its great to be back in the box with everyone.
A special shout out to Scott who got my back during the last round ... thanks son!!!
Eva is very murph-like. I put Eva in the top 3 hardest named wods behind Murph & Linda.
Scott: Jesus, 32 plus a few is an impressive time for Rxd. You killed it. Your 5 round average was faster than even my first round. Very discouraging when I noticed that about 100m into my 2nd run!
Tim P: email me, ggdillon AT gmail.com
Hannah and Cindy are my idols!! You girls never quit, ever! and Hannah....I hope one day to do a pull up like that!!
hey shot out to Hannah and CP for representing the girls you guys kick ass! way to stick with it and get it done!
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