W.O.D. 6.17.09
150 WallBalls for time
for ladies: 14# ball to 8ft target
for gentlemen: 20# ball to 10 ft target
(compare to 12.08.09)
Post WOD Skill Work:
Muscle ups
Ring Dips
150 WallBalls for time
for ladies: 14# ball to 8ft target
for gentlemen: 20# ball to 10 ft target
(compare to 12.08.09)
Post WOD Skill Work:
Muscle ups
Ring Dips
Price Cobb, American race-car driver, after winning a 1988 race.
"Some days you're the bug. Some days you're the windshield."
Jeff: 10:59
Lisa: 6:39
Ed: 14:27 (welcome back Ed, we missed you!)
Meg: 8:45 (10#)
Kit: 8:17
Sam: 7:45
Jon: 11:06 (18#)
Kelly: 8:31 (10#)
Tim M: 11:20
Hannah: 5:20 (Gym record!)
Miranda: 6:35
Patti: 8:27 (10#)
Doug: 7:23
Mike F: 8:31
Chris: 10:26
Granny: 6:06
Jason L: 7:24
Does anyone have Evan's phone number????? I need to contact him.
I will be hitting up an Indian restuarant in Chesterbrook tonight if anyone is interested in going. I plan on doing Karen after the 5:15 class and then I will go home shower and go to eat. Let me know if anyone is in.
Can we work on other skills too after Karen, like hand stands and pull ups?
Miranda: I will have the rings down for people to practice ring dips and muscle ups but remember there are only 3 rings so if we get a big class, there will be a lot of people just sitting around and I would strongly encourage you to work on other skills. Remember that I will be staying afterwards to do the WOD myself so you can stay during that time should you want some extra practice.
Also, a message for the class. Karen is a relatively short WOD so we will all have counters tonight. Trust me, you will need it when you get dizzy around 85 and you have no idea what number you are on. I would also encourage people to partner up with people that they may not necessarily talk to all the time. Just a good way to get to know one another better.
Jas - depending in the weather I may meet you after the 5:15 class. I know I can't leave early enough to make it at 5:15 today and am TRYING to get out on my road bike, but that depends on the weather :)
Yes counters are a must for this workout!
I can't do the wod today b/c I REALLY have to run (skipped my run the last 2 days for crossfit -- someone should have warned me it's addicting!) I'm hoping to get that done early and stop by to help count and maybe work on some skills after class.
jason what you're number? i'll come meet up with you if you'd like!
Niki...to hell with running. I used to run, now im like what's the point! Why run and train for 26.2 miles when you can work out for 15 minutes and be laying on the ground after a xfit wod and feel just as shitty?
Unfortunately, after that lovely workout last night, I rolled my ankle pretty good at rugby practice :-/ I can walk ok, but its swollen and I can't put a ton of weight on it. Will have to skip Karen tonight, and will be at the beach until Sunday. Hope to catch everyone at the box then!
Cyrus got adopted!!!!! So no play date on Sunday, sorry. I will have another foster the first week in August. We will set it up for then.
Can someone help me with handstands and DU's tonight? Spanks!
it is posted somewhere on this blog so if someone could help me find it, that would be great....
the story that i want to find is the girl that was training for a 100 mile run and she used to run all of the time and then she found crossfit and once she found it, she ran only 10 miles or something before the 100 miler because she was focusing on CF and she finished.
another story is that of greg a. he was one of the first crossfit animals. he never ran more than a 5k which was the longes cf wod at the time. there is now a 10k that pops up. anyway, he had been training cf since 2003 or something and he wanted to just run 100 miles. granted, he is cf elite but with not training at all and no run more than 5k under his belt, he started running. greg stopped at 81 miles because he could no longer take the pain in his joints because he was not used to running supreme distances....NOT because of fatigue. oh and btw, his heart rate never went above 110. MONSTER
I believe also there is scientific evidence that interval training or basically a metcon develops more V02 or VOx capacity than just plain jane running. Something like that.
Thanks Joe. It has been noted often enough that interval training will develope the necessary lung capacity to supplement a longer based run at a quick pace. Long are the days of running every single day for me, so a few years ago after some good solid 5k/10k performances I switched to only 2 long runs a week and supplemented 2-3 interval/tempo runs which improved my overall rest and recovery time and felt better than ever. The rest is ever important of course. But I think training is going to be different depending on what sport or level of competition one is planning on doing. As far as going and attempting to run 100 miles on a 5k training plan, well that's honestly just plain dumb and doesn't really prove any point in the running community, but to each his own.
I warned you! I knew you would you would get hooked!
Joe, the work of Dr. Izumi Tabata supports that cardiovascular training in the anaerobic range for short durations will do more to improve VO2 max than long endurance aerobic training. However, as Jason & Tim state, VO2 max is just one piece of the endurance puzzle. The physical/mental toughness factor is huge.
I've already cut back alot on running since starting crossfit about a month and a half ago. In previous years I've run 4X a week to prepare for a marathon. Recently I've been running 2-3X a week. I think keeping one long run a week is really important -- I dont know how an ultramarathoner could train without the mental/physical training of the logn run! If you find the article, though, I'm definitely interested in reading it! Maybe I'll do an experiment - I'll cut back to 2 runs a week - one shorter and one longer. So far I really do think CrossFit has helped me pick up my pace, at least on the shorter runs. I think it's because I'm more comfortable training in a higher aerobic zone than most endurance runners... and it's definitely helped with VO2 max. The last piece of the puzzle is just that I really do like running, so I'm going to keep it up, at least a few times a week, until I stop enjoying it!
and her name is even niki! lol
sweet! Thanks for the link!
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