W.O.D. 1.19.09
7 Rounds for time:
15 OHS (95/65)
15 KTE
"At First, Funny Videos. Now, a Reference Tool." by Miguel Helft - New York Times
Gillian Mounsey, On the Road to the 2009 CrossFit Games by CrossFit Again Faster, CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Laura 35-17:45
Jon 65-19:27
Paul 65-17:54
Jill 15-17:47
Jen 35-17:01
Hannah 50-15:31
Aimee 65-14:00
Hi guys!
Sorry I missed everyone yesterday, I was home sick:(.
Saturday I did one of the traveling WOD, at FAC
AMRAP in 20 minutes
20 walking lunges....20lb
20 Situps
20 pushups
20 squats
6 rounds...not what I was going for, but being sick, it was tough.
See you all tonight!
Hannah....YOU ROCK!!!!!!
Good job Miranda!!!
Hey Nicole!
sorry I didn't make it Sunday, I was so sick.
I was off today, and the roads are getting a little slick around here, so I did this at home.
4 Rounds:
10L/10R 35 lb KB racked deep squats
10 KTE hanging from an I-Beam
3 Rounds:
10L/10R 35 lb KB racked deep squats
25 Situps
Time: 35:25
Followed By:
1000 M Row
Time: 5:48
Then, OH squat form with a broom handle.
I tried single KB OH squats, but I could only do about 5 each side. Even with just a 35 lb KB, it was too difficult to keep stabilized for high sets and reps, so I switched to plain old squats.
That was the first time for KTE for me, and hanging from an I-Beam was tough on the finger grip. I played it safe and just went with 4 rounds of 10, and then sub'd in 3 rounds of 25 situps. I did not want to risk slipping off of a 9 foot high beam. I need to rig up some rings or a bar.
I will be working in Philly tommorrow, so hopefully I get back in time for the 5:30 session.
Way to go Hannah, awesome on the weight (I'm jealous)...
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