

Complete as many reps as possible in 21 minutes of: 
Row 500/250/150 meters 
Max-rep strict pull-ups 

Each time you break a set of pull-ups, complete a row. From 0:00-7:00 row 500s, from 7:00-14:00 row 250s, and from 14:00-21:00 row 150s. Score is number of strict pull-ups completed each round.

Choose a pulling exercise that is challenging but allows you to complete about 7-10 reps unbroken in the early rounds. If at any point you cannot complete 3 reps unbroken, switch to an easier form of pull-up (for example using a band or ring row)

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” —Oscar Wilde


Colette said...

Aimee 12,17,20 = 49rx
Cate 10,15,18 = 43rx
Jackie 10,10,9 = 29 c2
Erini 12,14,7 = 33rx
Mary 20,20,21 = 61 low bar pull up

Keith B said...


Larissa 13-13-15 41Rx
Tori 14-10-14 38band
Jess 12-8-12 32band
Mike 19-19-29 RR
Alex 17-13-20 50 Rx
Subhan 9-10-10 29Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Megs 10-15-17 = 42 band (some strict)
Dana H 10- 14-17 = 41 rx
Matt P 15- 14-16 45 rx
Matty Bo 10-10-12 = 32 band
Evan 15-16- 20 = 51 rx
Ben 25-15-17 = 57 rx
Jonathan 20-15-16 = 51 rx
Shannon 8-10- 13 31 band
Geoff 8-14-17 39 strict band
Pam 15-12-13 = 39 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

1:00 Masters
Lee 13-12-14 39 band
Kathy 25-20-16 = 61 RR
Lisa 12-12-17 = 41 band
Terry 20-17-20 = 57 - band
Gordy 17-13-13 = 43 band

Aimee Lyons said...

Edwin 14/15/15 = 44 band
Jeff 18/20/ 24 = 62 rx
Rakshit 12/15/15 = 42 rx
Jerry 18/16/ 17 = 51 band
Freaky 11/14/12= 37 band
Mae 10/15/ 14 = 39 band

Colette said...

Kaitlyn 10,12,12=34rx
Danielle C 13,12,22 = 47 banded
Steph C 11 (band), 33 (rr), 21 (two bands) =65
Julia N 12,9,9 = 30 banded
Seth 28,27,28 = 83 ring row
Carman 22,25,22 = 69 ring row
Jamie 10,13,19 = 42 band
Faizan 11,15,19 = 45 ring row

Dana Hazard said...

Evan 25,16,20 = 61 RX