

For time: 
 3-minute handstand hold 
100 air squats 
150-foot handstand walk 
100 air squats 
30 handstand push-ups

"You cannot beat a river into submission, you have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own." - The Ancient One


Taylor W said...

Brian 17:40 1/2 squats 1/2 setups Box turn + WWI
Missy 17:37 box turn/wwi 15 HSPu 3ab
Larissa 17:38 box tirn/wwi 2 ab

Taylor W said...

Jackie 18:34 2 min hold 10 WWi 25 seated press
Mary H 20:55 sc
Mary T 20:23 sc
Dan 22:35 rx
Katie 14:25 wwi 2ab
Em 17:05 sc
Erini 15:28 sc

Taylor W said...

Meg 16:45 10 wwi
Pam 19:52 75 1ab
Dana 22:22 rx
Rich :)
Remer 16:19 rx
Edwin 18:00 sc
Meredith 19:19 2ab WWi
Evan 25:36 rx
Geoff 17:58 plank shoulder taps
jess A 26:04 sc

Ben B said...

Erin 18:02 RX
Meg O. 12:47 RX
The Natalie 17:01 WW ins, 23 of 30 HSPUs with 1 ab mat
Scientist 13:28 WW ins
Alex Turner 19:33 high plank hold, L sit press, pushups

Ben B said...

Danielle 16:31 15 WW ins, 2an Strict HSPUs
Matt 16:18 high plank, bear crawl, push-ups

MaKayla said...

Greg 24:03 RX
Shannon 20:40 10 WWI, 20 Strict 3 Ab mats
Steph C 21:45 10 WWI, 30 ROM strict w/ 3 Ab mats

Taylor W said...

Alan 72 RR 800 m c2
Michelle 50 RR c2
Lisa 57 RR c2
Lee 48 Band
Ina 57 banded
Terry 43 RX PR
Regina 31 1.5 banded
Kathy 54 c2 bike