
W.O.D. 7.6.11




1 RM Snatch


2 snatches at 70% of your 1RM on the minute for 8 minutes

"Forward Rolls" with Jeff Tucker and Jeannie Bassi by Again Faster Equipment, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle -- when the sun comes up, you'd better be running!"

Mike P: 95
Diego: 75 power
Tamas: form
Meghann: 85
Mike S: 75
Jay E: 195
Pat: 125
Nina: 95
Francine 35 power
Joy 50 power
Becca 5o power
Kevin B. 95
Keith 155
Karen 95
Dorothy 85
Stephanie 45
Ciera 63
Tom H. 105 power
Mel 83
Megs 63 power
Kate 73 power
Jackie 80
Steph V. 83
Aislinn 25 form
Graeme 25 form
Ben form
Kathleen 55
Travis form
Mike T. 135
Sharon form
Jen S 93
Miranda 100
JZ 105
Tim H 75
Sandy 60
Flounder 85
Mark form
Jason B 135
JP 100
Jen Na 42.5
Pooch 75
Jess C 78.75
Chris T 95
Lindsey Peterbutt 65
Shoeless 135
Donkey 78


Management said...

So class...yesterday we had 17 people in the 6:30 class. That is fantastic and we are always thrilled to see so many folks eager to push their bodies to the max.

That being said, only 1 of those 17 people signed up for class ahead of time. Thankfully, we had two coaches in the building to keep the student:coach ratio reasonable. We kindly ask that you sign up for class before coming so we can anticipate larger classes and be appropriately staffed to give you the experience you deserve.

If anyone needs a reminder on how to sign up for class, please see one of the coaches or post to comments and we will re-post the instructions. Thank you for your help.

Jason Lyons said...

let the wall squat seduce you. ask steph...speaking of steph, come back vincent vincent!

Mike P said...

How about a 10 burpee "coupon" redeemable for some good livin' for folks who don't sign-up before hand?

Stephanie Vincent said...

Wall squats are magic. P.S. Can't wait to try today's mainsite WOD.....lol...in my next life. Crazytown.

Vincent Vincent said...

I have been playing real "football"...playing 2 nights per week @ YSC

I will be back this week for some tough love with whatever WOD listed on the blog:)

Peterson said...

Dude steph, that workout is RIDICULOUS. I can't do pistols without weight, let alone OH pistols!

Jeff said...

5:30 class:

Sharon form
Jen S 93
Miranda 100
JZ 105
Tim H 75
Sandy 60
Flounder 85
Mark form

6:30 class:

Jason B 135
JP 100
Jen Na 42.5
Pooch 75
Jess C 78.75 (yes, this is correct)
Chris T 95
Lindsey Peterbutt 65
Shoeless 135
Donkey 78

Nice work everyone! Remember to be aware of early arm bends!

Jason Lyons said...

mel...i think you could benefit from dropping your butt a little in the set up.

travis and graeme...i think you could benefit by getting your shoulders more in front of the bar.

Travis said...

Thanks for the tip Jason, always appreciate it!