
CrossFit Baseball

As the summer season draws to an end, so does the American pastime, baseball...So, for our special Labor Day CrossFit Class we decided to have a little 'friendly' competition. Successfully rounding the bases scored one run. The team with the most complete runs in 30 Minutes wins! Simple...right?

1st Base=10 Push Ups
2nd Base=10 Squats
3rd Base=10 Burpees
Home= 10 Squat Jumps

Team 1- Mike, Lisa and Tim
Team 2- Jason, Jeff and Hanna

Before the start of the game, there was talk of stealing 3rd base...hummm.
Despite Team 1 needing to call in a pinch-hitter, Team 2 managed to squeak out the win by one base!

Nice Job all!



Post Labor Day we are going to focus a little more on the gymnastics element of CrossFit. Gang, get ready for some Hand Stand Push-Ups... click here to watch a brief demo of how we will do them assisted first! And the rings have finally arrived...whoo-hoo!!!

Weekend WOD

If anyone is in need of a workout this weekend when traveling give this a try:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 burpees

if you've got access to a Kettlebell or Dumbbell throw in 10 KB swings!


Nicole's Nightmare

The CrossFit WOD today is...
For time:
30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees

My client Nicole hates nothing more than Burpees...at an early session and in a previous blog entry she deemed them "Nightmares" so when I saw the post today on the CrossFit site I could think of no one else but her...and I thought it would be fair to say that for one final WOD before her big day in October we fit this one in. I'm going to give it a go tomorrow with two friends from school (hummm...will they be my "friends" after school?) They keep asking me to do a CrossFit WOD with them, so I thought this might be a nice way to welcome them to the community!

Tabata Treadmill Sprints and Met. Con. Wed.

To the early birds..terrific job on the Tabata Treadmill Sprints at 6AM and the "Are you awake yet? W.O.D."
4 Rounds-Each Exercise for a Minute (2 minute rest between rounds)


Push Press (45/33lb)

Mt. Climbers

KG Swings (12/16kg)



Special Saturday Class

If anyone is sticking around for the holiday and not beaching, boozing or just blatantly relaxing...stop by the F.A.C at 9:30am on Saturday for a special Labor Day CrossFit class. And for any of my Sunday Spin + fans...I'll be there at 9:00 am on Sunday...
Hope to see you there and if not...have a fantastic weekend and relax, relax, relax...enjoy family, friends, fun and a day off!


"Murph" and "Murph Jr".

for time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Aimee-assisted PU 43:51
Jason-assisted PU 78:27

for time
800M Run
100 Push-ups
200 Sit ups
300 Squats
800M Run

Tanya 30:20
Favia 33:55
Nicole 47:03
Jeff 28:28
Doreen 24:30
Paul 28:21
Hanna 40:00
Eric 48:06
Margaret 30:13
Lisa 32:47 *(baby Murph-100 push ups, sit ups, squats)

W-Single Modality Day!

Shoulder Press
Push Press
Push Jerk

Doreen 65/70/75
Vani 30/35/45
Laura 50/60/65
Katie 50/60/75
Jason 105/135/155
Paul 105/135/135
Tim 105/145/155
Tim P. 105/135/135

F.A.C. Olympic Challenge

In order to get in the spirit of they Olympics we thought it would be nice to host a little "Olympic" Challenge, CrossFit style...at the F.A.C. In the challenge we focused on good form and execution. If good form and execution wasn't there neither was the count for the repetition. We did allow assisted pull-ups and some push-ups on the knees at times to scale.

Total score was the max reps in each exercise in one minute.

The 10 exercises were:
DB PUSH PRESS (20) (30)
DEADLIFT (85) (125)
WALLBALLS (10) (20)

The winners were:

Tanya-212 Gold
Doreen-202 Silver
Orla- 182 Bronze

James-207 Gold
Paul- 174 Silver
Jason- 134 Bronze

Coach A :228

See you in the morning, we are going HEAVY tomorrow...single modality "W" day!

Tabata something else...

The Monday night crew took on a few TABATAS-
TABATA=20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest; 8 intervals for each of the exercises below:

Assisted Pull-Ups
Push Ups
Sit Ups (floor)
Certainly wasn't an easy one, but everyone pushed through! Nice dedication until the end!


Click here to watch something inspirational from the CrossFit "family"!! I often have clients who say I "can't" do certain things...so untrue, put your mind to it, learn the skills it takes and anything is possible! "What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve"... was told to me once my a very wise woman, thanks Mom!...and it never left my head!


AMRAP in 30 Minutes...

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies...way to rock the Friday WOD! First I'd like to welcome Karen, Beth and Brenda to their first CrossFit session! After seeing Orla's fantastic progress on the squash court since training with me, Karen thought to give it a try...with or without her "runners"! (I'm pretty sure that's Aussie for sneakers...) Needless to say, everyone went into this one full blast and finished strong!
AMRAP in 30 minutes
12 Barbell Thrusters(45)
12 K-T-E
12 Walking Lunges
200M Sprint
12 Sit-Ups

Only complete rounds are counted below:
Karen 8
Orla 7
Beth 8
Brenda just shy of 7 rx'd
Aimee 7 rx'd
Nicole 5


Deadlift Push-up WOD at NPTI

More Acronyms...right? What's NPTI?
...well, that's where I go to school from Monday to Thursday-The National Personal Training Institute. Today we finished class early so a few of my fellow students said they would be willing to take on a little WOD CrossFit style...(WOD-Workout of the day).

15 Deadlifts 15 Push-Ups - 10 rounds for time

Myself, Holly, Steve and Dagmar gave it a whirl...click here to see what we attempted. Steve attempted rx'd at 135 made it 6 rounds. Dagmar at 70lbs finished all 10 rounds in about 25 minutes. Holly started with 60 and dropped to 30 finished 10 rounds in 11:30 and I scaled to 95lb deadlift and finished 10 rounds in 14:30. We had a blast...and even more fun watching Christian take on Fran 21-15-9 Barbell Thrusters/Pull-Ups rx'd at 95lbs in 6:47...and he did full pull-ups! No kipping! AMAZING!!!! Click here to see it done in 2:02!!! Something to work up to!


I get by with a little help from my friends...

Today was a partner day! All about team work, AWESOME effort today! We had three teams of 2, each team had to finish 400 Squats, 100 "partner" pull-ups and a 1 mile run! Our warm up was Tire Flips and Sprints!! Whoo-hoo!! Times posted below...

Doreen and Paul 17:47
Joe and Ed 18:35 *rx'd
Hanna and Tim 25:48

*Ed was ecstatic today about his first rx'd...Joe!!!


World Class Fitness 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: deadlift, clean, squat, presses, c&j, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pullups, dips, rope climb, pushups, situps, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.

prep for the F.A.C Olympic Challenge

We are having a special Olympic "CrossFit" Challenge at the F.A.C. on Tuesday August 19th at 7:00pm. In order to get everyone in shape we did a modified F.G.B for tonight's Monday 5:30PM class...6 exercises though! Great work everyone! Next time hopefully a thunderstorm won't mess with our outdoor Tire Flips and send us indoors!!!!

Three Rounds of each exercise below for one minute, no rest between exercises; One Minute rest between Rounds...Scored by Max Reps total for all three rounds.

KB Swings
Sit Ups

Martha 367
Nicole Rocks 290
Jason 367
Doreen 528
Hannah 292
Brittany 348
Erika 457
Jeff 317
Paul 398
Lisa 263
Eric 269


150 Wall Balls for time

Jason rxd (20 lb ball) 16:54
Aimee (10lb ball) 7:41


CrossFit Generation

When I'm not teaching, training or in school...I somehow find some time to work out myself. Tuesday and Thursday mornings I make a visit to CrossFit Generation in Hatboro where Barry Weidner, owner, captured this fantastic shot of me in action on the Rings, doing push-ups. Rings are part of the "Gymnastics" Modality in CrossFit and are a must for improving core strength and muscular stabilization. Gymnastic rings have been a favorite in physical culture for 100's of years. Think about the rings in the gymnastics portion of the Olympics...if you have ever touched the rings and attempted some exercise you will quickly know why those athletes are some of the most powerful (and powerful looking) athletes in the Games! Of course you don't have to be able to perfect the iron cross like a gymnast in order to incorporate them into your workouts. The rings can be incredibly valuable for a number of strength building exercises like push-ups, dips & muscle ups...Click here to check out some "Nasty Girls" on the rings!

6AM Class

Way to go 6 am team!!!

Run 800M
Push Press
Push Up
Box Jump
Run 400M
Push Press
Push Up
Box Jump
Run 200M

Times Below:
Hanna 30:13
Laura 27:29
Jason 31:27
Paul 25:57
Jeff 27:53
Ed 26:25
Tim 27:37
Doreen 23:35
Tim P. 20:57
Geoff 22:40


MB Cleans...Medicine Ball Cleans

Click here to take a look at some Med-ball Cleans...
Miss Nicole. Nice work tonight on the Med-ball cleans!
Big O fantastic work in the W.O.D.
and Betsy, welcome to CrossFit...GREAT JOB, awesome rowing!!!


More Deadlift Practice

Triple Modality W-W-G

DeadLifts (135) (95)
DB Push Press (30) (20)
Box Jumps 19"

and...Tabata Squats

Eric-28:45 /8
Jason-22:22 (rx'd)/12
Aimee-12:43 (rx'd)/17

Remember the deadlifts are crucial for developing STRENGTH!!!


Saturday AM Burpees and KB Swings

We had a great turnout at the F.A.C this morning! Thirteen total, I think it's a record! Ages ranging to 73...see everything is scalable! Thanks to all who came out to sweat and get their weekends started on the right foot! Loved the "Big O" tees ladies! The workout ran for 30 minutes. One rep of each movement (Burpee & Kettlebell Swing) on the first minute and then add one rep every minute thereafter until you "miss" and need to re-start at next minute with one rep of each exercise and build again! The total number of reps is your final score, final scores are below.

I had to test out my new 35lb Kettlebell, so I completed the workout when I got home...with Jason timing me!!!!

All Scores are recorded below:


CrossFit Acronyms

Often times I post abbreviations...Acronyms for many exercises.
I started a list, here's a few to get you started, stay posted for more updates!
Study hard...quizzes next week...hahaha!

WOD-Workout of the day
WBS-Wall Ball Squats
MetCon- Metabolic Conditioning Workout
SDHP-Sumo Deadlift High Pull
KTE-Knees to Elbows
OHS-Over head Squat
AMRAP-As many rounds as possible