
prep for the F.A.C Olympic Challenge

We are having a special Olympic "CrossFit" Challenge at the F.A.C. on Tuesday August 19th at 7:00pm. In order to get everyone in shape we did a modified F.G.B for tonight's Monday 5:30PM class...6 exercises though! Great work everyone! Next time hopefully a thunderstorm won't mess with our outdoor Tire Flips and send us indoors!!!!

Three Rounds of each exercise below for one minute, no rest between exercises; One Minute rest between Rounds...Scored by Max Reps total for all three rounds.

KB Swings
Sit Ups

Martha 367
Nicole Rocks 290
Jason 367
Doreen 528
Hannah 292
Brittany 348
Erika 457
Jeff 317
Paul 398
Lisa 263
Eric 269

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