

For time:
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 reps of:
Unbroken Double Unders 
(cap 20:00) 

Coaches Notes: 
The Flight Simulator is a workout that challenges you in many ways. To complete this workout as prescribed, each set of double unders must be strung. This means you must complete that many in a row without stopping. After each set, you MUST break. For example, you cannot do 30 straight and then perform 20 as your next set. You must do 5, stop, 10 stop, etc...however, you control how long you stop. If you fail any set, you must start that set over. For example, if you trip on 49 of 50, you must redo the set of 50. 

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.16.23
CLICK HERE to compare to 5.23.23

Timed 500 M Ski

"Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." 
- Napoleon Hill


Colette said...

Mark 10:20rx/1:44.3rx

Colette said...

Em G 13:46 PR!/1:59rx
Jackie 14:49 (up to 40) PR!/207.8rx PR!
Erini 20:00 practice/ 2:13rx
Monica 20:00 singles

Aimee Lyons said...

Kalyn 12:09 rx /2:01.7
Gillian 19:50 / 2:30
Edwin 13:02 up/down to 30 SU + DU / 2:05
Shannon 16:22 up/down to 35 DU + SU/ 1:56
Jamie 9:11 rx/ 155.8
Geoff 13:30 SU x2
Pam 12:04 up/down to 40 / 2:14
jonathan 19:53 PR rx/ 2:21

Aimee Lyons said...

Jordan 13:15 rx/ PR!/ 215.5
Lee 3-21 -3 by 3's 15:03 PR!/ 2:48

5 rounds
in a 3:00 window
250 m ski
max Du/Su
Rest 1:00

Barb C 210 SU/ 3:06
Terry 103 DU/ 2:42 .9
Lisa 444 SU 3:06

Kalyn Gilinger said...

Danielle 17:13 (SU x 2), Up to 80 and down/2:24
Rocco 19:39 RX/2:02
Julia 10:58 RX/2:08

Steph 13:05, Dubs up to 40 and down/2:16