

AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
10 Hang Power Snatch (55/75#)
3 Bar Muscle Ups

rest 3:00

Take 15 Minutes to build to a heavy Hang Power Snatch

(record total rounds and reps of the AMRAP as well a the total load lifted)

Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself-and be lenient to everybody else. 
-Henry Ward Beecher


Danielle Gambone said...

Mark 5+10 H2B, 145
Mike 4+4 sc, 80
Julia 5+5,2 BMU, 120
Subhan 4+10 sc, :)
Brian 5+4rx, 155
Kristen 5+3 sc, 75
Larissa 4+10 #35, low BMU, 55
Erini 2+10 BMU att, 80

Colette said...

Barbara 4+6 25# get out of the pool 40#
Jackie 6+1 jbm 120#
Dana H 5+10 rx 115#
Jill 4+3 45# jbm 110# strict press
Em G 6+11 6 ghd sit ups 90# PR!

Colette said...

Kalyn 4+12rx 115
Keith 5+10? rx 205
Evan 3+2rx 135
Pam 5+10 h2b 105
Taylor 5+8 Strict pull up 194
Edwin 4+13 jbmu 120
The Nat 5 jbmu 115
Rich 7+2 rx 180
Ryan S 5+10rx 145
Baez 5+10 rx 185

Colette said...

*Evan 145#