Donkey, Jason and Aimee have recently attended a Carl Paoli gymnastics seminar. They have some great tricks up their sleeves now, hit them up at the box for some great progressions.
Community Events:
Have you signed up for HOPE yet?
Amanda Miller Memorial WOD July CFKoP:
Go to
to officially register.
Down & Dirty Mud RunWhen: Sunday, Jul 15, 2012
Description: This
awesome 5K and 10K off-road event is coming to Philadelphia on July
15th, 2012 at Fairmont Park, PA.
The race is unlike anything that has ever happened in the Philadelphia
area! The course is not your traditional 5K or 10K, but features
military style-obstacles along the way, water crossings, cargo climbs,
mud, mud and more mud – and not to mention, non-stop fun! You can check
out some photos at or check out video from our 2011 Los Angeles event at .
In addition to a great time, every racer receives an event T-Shirt, a
finisher’s medal and a post-race BBQ to top off the day.
To register and get all of the information on the race, be sure to check
out at
Gabriel is helping organize a CFKOP team to attend the Brooklyn event.
The CMC competition is broken down
into three components to test strength, endurance and agility. Race day
structure will consist of “The PIT” (lifting element) into a 5 mile race
with strategically placed military obstacles. This structure is what
separates the Civilian Military Combine from all other races and
competitions. The PIT is designed to be the great equalizer by leveling
the playing field between power athletes and endurance runners to
determine the best overall conditioned athlete. This race structure has
been carefully created, refined and reviewed by the top strength and
conditioning coaches from the CrossFit community, United States Armed
Forces and USA Triathlon Organization Race Directors.
Each of the stations will be populated with 4 people in total
- Team of 4 competitors
- Team of 3 competitors
- Individual competitors
- Or combination of: Team of 3 and 1 Individual per station
Exercise Elements of the PIT (lifting element):
- Barbell Thrusters
- Burpee
- Box Jump
CrossFit ACT Games
Who else is signed up for cool community events?
224 Midland Avenue, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
Get signed
up before the CAP is hit! Jessica Murden and CrossFit
ACT are planning an Individual only event with RX and Scaled divisions.
Registration fee will start off at $65 and increase to $85 as of 6/1.
Every Competitor gets a t-shirt which will be a unisex sized Next Level
WOD 1 Rx:
AMRAP 7 min
1000m row
Max reps squat cleans 135/95
1000m row
Max reps squat cleans 135/95
WOD 1 Scaled:
1000m row
Max reps squat cleans 95/65
1000m row
Max reps squat cleans 95/65
WOD 2 Rx:
AMRAP 5 min
OHS 115/75
Weighted sit-ups 45/25
SDHP 115/75
AMRAP 5 min
OHS 115/75
Weighted sit-ups 45/25
SDHP 115/75
WOD 2 Scaled:
AMRAP 5 min
OHS 95/65
Weighted sit-ups 25/10
SDHP 95/65
AMRAP 5 min
OHS 95/65
Weighted sit-ups 25/10
SDHP 95/65
WOD 3 Rx:
AMRAP 10 min
10 T2B
25 Double unders
10 Thrusters 95/65
AMRAP 10 min
10 T2B
25 Double unders
10 Thrusters 95/65
WOD 3 Scaled:
AMRAP 10 min
10 K2E
75 Singles
10 Thrusters 65/45
Plentus and Ditty are already signed up--who else is game? AMRAP 10 min
10 K2E
75 Singles
10 Thrusters 65/45
Who else is signed up for cool community events?
1 comment:
I've registered for Brooklyn Civilian Military Combine - count me in plz
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