CrossFit KoP Community:
Thanks to all of you, our community has continued to grow and a result, so have our class sizes. In order to provide you with the best service we possibly can and to maintain a low coach to athlete ratio, we would like to ask you to sign up for classes that you will be attending weekly. It is important to note that we DO NOT need to restrict class sizes but as we continue to grow, having athletes sign up will enable us to assure that enough coaches are on hand to give you the attention that you deserve. We would appreciate if everyone of you could complete this process by 1.15.11.
If this is your first time using the system, this is what you will need to do:
1) Go to the blog (www.aimeesfitnessblog.
2) Click on "Sign Up for Class Here!" on the right hand side
3) Click on "New Users: Sign Up!"
4) If you scroll down a little, you will see "Is this your first time?" and it will ask you for your last and first name
5) Enter your last and first name and then click Next
6) You should see your name so click on "This is me" (If you do not find your name, email info@crossfitkop.com...do NOT create a new account)
7) You will be asked to confirm your identity and you can use any of the options and then click Next
8) On this screen, you will need to enter a user name and create a password and then you are set
9) The next screen will take you to the screen where you can sign up for classes.
10) You will need to click on "Sign up Now" for the class you want to attend
Once you have a user name set up, it is easier to sign up for classes. Here is what you need to do:
1) Go to the blog (www.aimeesfitnessblog.
2) Click on "Sign Up for Class Here!" on the right hand side
3) Log in and make sure you are on the "CrossFit Classes" tab
4) Click on "Sign up Now" for classes you want to take
When doing this, you can sign up for one class or make it is re-occurring sign-up so you don't need to worry about it in the future.
All that being said, here are some other notes to keep in mind:
1) Despite signing up on line, you will still need to swipe your CFKoP shoe when you get to the gym
2) If you do not have a shoe, please ask one of the coaches
3) If you choose a re-occurring option and you have to cancel a class, please let a coach know so they can cancel it for you
4) If you do forget to cancel a re-occurring appointment, it will not count towards your allotted amount
5) All scheduling (personals, etc) other than dailys WODs must be scheduled with the particular coach
Please know that this minor inconvenience is being done to preserve the quality of coaching you get at KoP. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask Jason or Aimee. Thanks for your help.
I like that you are thinking ahead to make sure there are enough coaches is there flexibility with this? What if one gets held up at work and can't make the 5:30 class they signed up for? Can they still show up for the 6:30? And same if you are able to get to the 4:30 instead of the 5:30? How far in advance do we need to sign up for a class? Thanks!
I also have a question - I see that you mentioned at this time there is no need to limit the class sizes, but when I go into the sign up area, take this morning's class for example, it says "7 Reserved , 13 Open". What happens when and if a particular class reaches 20 sign ups? Is it maxed out and I'll have to choose another class time?
Hi everyone, I will try to answer everyone's questions as they arise.
First, general reasons. This move is preemptive. Last January, due to resolutions, we saw a huge burst in membership and class size. We want to anticipate the same this year and in doing so, we need to make sure that all of you are getting the coaching that you deserve. That being said...
@Mel: We understand that there are always going to be circumstances in which you may get caught up or you may get out a bit early. We are using the sign ups as a guideline to help us make sure we have enough coaches on hand. So, the generic answer is that we would like you to stick with the classes you sign up for but the reality is that it may not always be that simple. This is okay. The problem that we are trying to protect against is having 1 coach on hand and having 30 people show up for a class. That is not optimal. As we see the number climbing towards 20, we can add another coach so if 30 show up, we are ready. If you sign up, you aide in this process for both you and your classmates. If you do not participate, you can still show up like you normally would but if 15 others do the same thing, there is the possibility that not enough coaches may be on hand. Make sense?
@Kel: Kelly, that number is arbitrary and we will see if we can adjust it higher. It is simply the guideline for when another coach would be needed.
Thanks Jason!
Great, thanks!
Question - will you be posting the WOD earlier than 10PM if we need to now sign up for classes? I typically wait to see what the WOD is to decide if I am going to attend the class that day since I only have a 2 time per week package. How far in advance of the class do we need to sign up?
Are we allowed to come to a class if we did not sign up for it?
First I will answer as your friend....
You should not cherry pick and should come and be surprised by the workouts and hopefully work your weaknesses. :)
Now as coach....
We won't post the workouts earlier than ten because we do not want people to cherry pick and only come to workouts that they are good at. As much as we try, this still happens. Remember we try to be constantly varied. There are several boxes that do not even post a workout in advance to keep the body and mind guessing.
That being said, a lot of the members hold to a pretty routine schedule...MWF at 530 or so forth so signing up for these people will be really easy. For others, like yourself, that can only get to a few, we ask that you do the best that you can. If you see a WOD at 10 and want to sign up, do it. If you see it the next morning and like it, sign up then. We plan to have coaches on call for when numbers get large.
As I mentioned, if you forget to sign up or something happened and you can just come, we obviously still want you to do that. One person now and then is not going to make a big difference in the coaching load...however, imagine if 30 people decide to do the same thing. That is what we are trying to ignore.
For everyone...
If you do not sign up, it does NOT mean that you cannot come to class. We just ask that you DO sign up whenever you can as it will help us serve you better.
ignore near the bottom of my last message should be avoid. Sorry for the typo.
I am having commitment issues. I sat here at the computer for 5 minutes trying to decide if I should come Saturday or Sunday.
Ha Ha!
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