Who's in for the noon class today?
Or are you all still shoveling out?
I'm planning on being there, who's gonna join me?
Who's in for the noon class today?
Or are you all still shoveling out?
I'm planning on being there, who's gonna join me?
I think I'm coming out :) Shire is closed today so everyone is working from home - so its kind of like a snow day...
Laura - You can ride with me if you want....
I'm coming
100 burpees
Shawn - 8:26
Lizzie - 9:56
GREAT quote I read today...
"Intensity and results are directly proportional, but intensity and comfort are inversely proportional."
Greg Glassman
I will TOTALLY be using that in Intro sessions.
I was naive in thinking that everyone may be familiar with the Super Bowl squares but apparently not so here we go.
You put your name in random boxes on the grid. Once the grid is completely filled out, we use a random number generator to label the columns and rows from 0-9.
So, if your name lands in a colume of 1 and a row of 9, these represent the two numbers of the score at the end of the half.
For instance, if the score was 21-9, 11-29, 41-19, etc, you would win the jackpot. The prize will be $125.00 each quarter.
If you land in the box that is 0-0 and the game is scoreless at the end of the first quarter you win, and if the score is 10-10 at the end of the second quarter, you win again.
So, if this makes sense and you like it, go sign up. If you have more questions, please let me know.
user: SB2011
pass: CFKOP
I'm planning on it!
Planning to as long as get the car dug out..
Aimee-will there be a team wod tonight doe the open gym? I am heading into work now, so I will be at the box by 430/5? If not anyone want to do a WOD with me? I was thinking something with OHS and DU's...Jason???
Aimee, I'm coming to class if it's still on!
Brian R
i'm planning to get there at 5 and do either today's WOD, or the one from last thursday: http://aimeesfitnessblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/wod-12011.html
ok. i'm officially stuck. so i won't be making it to the nooner, but will be making up for it @ 5:00 open gym, which i'm hoping, is still on
Sorry I didn't make it...I got plowed in bc I parked on the corner
Since so many people are doing the paleo stuff this month, I thought you would all enjoy this yahoo article on how carbs help "blast belly weight"...or at least you would enjoy tearing it apart.
Anyone know anything about Crossfit Prime? My friend was thinking about going there. Also, he was wondering about whether he could do crossfit with back problems. Any thoughts? If you don't want to say it on an open blog, just email me, charles.a.graham [@at@] gmail [dot] com
@ Lindsey - I'm writing my next blog post about that article, Jason sent it to me yesterday afternoon
@ Tim H - shoot me an email lpappas@vynamic.com
Did you see this one ?
Seems to be saying that you should get carbs from natural sources, but then lists bananas among a bunch of grains.
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