Conditioning at CFKoP
Denise & JZ Snatch Balance

Sandy joins the Ass to Ankles club
Snatch Balance
With 60% of your 2RM Snatch Balance complete the following for time:
50 KB Swings
10 Snatch Balance
40 KB Swings
8 Snatch Balance
30 KB Swings
6 Snatch Balance
20 KB Swings
4 Snatch Balance
10 KB Swings
2 Snatch Balance
Bollito with Salsa Verde & Chili Sauce
Pancetta Wrapped Pork Roast
10 Tips for Success For the CrossFit Newbie by Larry Palazzolo
Beans, Protein, Rice, Recovery by Chris Plentus
Guidelines, rules, and principles to live by are just words – unless you actually live by them. To be the trusted and respected leader whom others will want to follow, you must…practice what you preach.
-Eric Harvey
Roger: 45 (14:43)
Liz: 45 (14:23)
Melinda: 58 (16:03)
Sandy: 58 (14:35)
Dana: 53 (15:48)
Miranda: 85 (16:11)
Vincent: 55 (14:48)
Plentus: 95 (12:56)
JZ: 100 (16:28)
Denise: 50 (14:04)
Katie F: 50 (15:53)
Jessica S: 43 (12:01)
Aim: 93 (9:04)
Jason L: 155
Shoeless: 105 (18:14)
Melanie: 63 (14:47)
Olan: 95 (15:07)
Kevin: 95 (15:14)
Mike F: 115 (13:04)
Kathleen: 43 (13:08)
Danny: 135 (13:47)
Megs: 53 (10:40)
Kristen SB: ? (16:47)
Jeff Hi: 115 (16:30)
Nik: 93
WW: ? (14:48)
Dave: ? (21:50)
Sarah S: form
Chris T: 35
Kara: 35
Ditty: 53 (14:48)
Donkey: 65 (13:26)
Jerry: 65 (17:16 ROM)
Peterson: 95 (17:38)
Rob P: 95 (14:31)