6am Rahmon 30/53/140=223 @115# Kevin B 52/55/207 =314 @95# King 37/58/123=218 rx Subhan 27/54/173=254 rx Aashish 35/61/105= 201 rx Hannah 54/64/210=328rx Danielle G 46/49/144=239rx Dan L 38/68/100 su =206 @115# Kate C 30/55/35 air bike = 120 Laura Smith 30/36/26=92 @65# Sean 57/75/318=450 rx Jamie 50/47/230=327 rx Mark S 37/55/206=298 rx
Noon Ninjas Meredith 33/45/246 su and du= 324 @85# Aimee 60/46/188= 294rx Alex Th 48/47/163=258rx Jill M 50/50/152=252rx Geoff 27/800m run/67=94 @115# Chris L 40/55/165=260rx Jessie 40/35/65=140 @65# Jess S 31/35/144 su and du=210 @85# Pete AOTM 41/56/39=136rx
Classy Masters Suzanne 60/45/32 D= 137 53# Gordy 55/55/65 BJ 20" = 175 95# bike Byrnsie 47/56/20 step up/20 cal air bike = 143 95 BB/45#db Kathy 54/31/46 su = 131 35# Lee 53/38 59 = 150 40# Terry 40/43/60 = 143 55# Ina 28/40/101 = 169 53# Regina 40/41/10 DU (and a shitload of singles) = 91 35#
4:30 Ryan S 40/58/66 = 264 rx Mikey 60/72/242 = 372 rx Marissa 43/44/203 = 290 rx Karen Mast 40/45/32 = 117 95# Natalie D 50 / 45/ 147 242 rx Johan Mc 29/55/7 = 91 rx Jonathan B 41/54/60 = 155 Donna 41/45/101 = 187 rx Matt Bo 43/48/113 = 204 rx Renee 51/50/181 = 282 75# Yex 60/39/61 160 hang cleans DB 20# Meg O 50/42/ 179 = 271 rx Denise 33/43/200 = 276 rx Randy 39/64/202 = 305 rx Natalie Dentist 40/36/23 = 99 45# attempts Roberto 37/58/90 = 185 rx Olan 23/67/97 = 187 Isaiah 26/50/45 = 121 rx
5:30 Emma 35/40/60 = 135 85# Joe 54/ 50 157 = 261 rx Gia 33/40/247= 347 single some dubs 85# Leah M 35/40/126 = 201 65# Danielle C 29/34/201 su = 264 85# Alex Bra 31/40/13 = 84 65# John 38/34/160 s = 232 63# single unders
The thoughts and ideas expressed on this blog and the comments are just that (thoughts and ideas to spur conversation, debate and community). CrossFit KoP and the Coaches associated with it provide information that is of general nature and is provided for educational purposes only. None of the information or services provided by CrossFit King of Prussia is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any specific health or medical condition that maybe had. The information and services provided by are not a diagnosis, treatment plan, or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding health and is not intended to provide specific medical advice.
Rahmon 30/53/140=223 @115#
Kevin B 52/55/207 =314 @95#
King 37/58/123=218 rx
Subhan 27/54/173=254 rx
Aashish 35/61/105= 201 rx
Hannah 54/64/210=328rx
Danielle G 46/49/144=239rx
Dan L 38/68/100 su =206 @115#
Kate C 30/55/35 air bike = 120
Laura Smith 30/36/26=92 @65#
Sean 57/75/318=450 rx
Jamie 50/47/230=327 rx
Mark S 37/55/206=298 rx
Tim H 37/38/26= 101 @95#
Jackie 40/44/84=168rx
Julie 40/52/99=191rx
Jill 38/52/232 su=322 @85#
Alex Brommer 35/46/53=134 @85#
Noon Ninjas
Meredith 33/45/246 su and du= 324 @85#
Aimee 60/46/188= 294rx
Alex Th 48/47/163=258rx
Jill M 50/50/152=252rx
Geoff 27/800m run/67=94 @115#
Chris L 40/55/165=260rx
Jessie 40/35/65=140 @65#
Jess S 31/35/144 su and du=210 @85#
Pete AOTM 41/56/39=136rx
Classy Masters
Suzanne 60/45/32 D= 137 53#
Gordy 55/55/65 BJ 20" = 175 95# bike
Byrnsie 47/56/20 step up/20 cal air bike = 143 95 BB/45#db
Kathy 54/31/46 su = 131 35#
Lee 53/38 59 = 150 40#
Terry 40/43/60 = 143 55#
Ina 28/40/101 = 169 53#
Regina 40/41/10 DU (and a shitload of singles) = 91 35#
Ryan S 40/58/66 = 264 rx
Mikey 60/72/242 = 372 rx
Marissa 43/44/203 = 290 rx
Karen Mast 40/45/32 = 117 95#
Natalie D 50 / 45/ 147 242 rx
Johan Mc 29/55/7 = 91 rx
Jonathan B 41/54/60 = 155
Donna 41/45/101 = 187 rx
Matt Bo 43/48/113 = 204 rx
Renee 51/50/181 = 282 75#
Yex 60/39/61 160 hang cleans DB 20#
Meg O 50/42/ 179 = 271 rx
Denise 33/43/200 = 276 rx
Randy 39/64/202 = 305 rx
Natalie Dentist 40/36/23 = 99 45# attempts
Roberto 37/58/90 = 185 rx
Olan 23/67/97 = 187
Isaiah 26/50/45 = 121 rx
Emma 35/40/60 = 135 85#
Joe 54/ 50 157 = 261 rx
Gia 33/40/247= 347 single some dubs 85#
Leah M 35/40/126 = 201 65#
Danielle C 29/34/201 su = 264 85#
Alex Bra 31/40/13 = 84 65#
John 38/34/160 s = 232 63# single unders
My su and du the correct is 274
7a zoom
Anna 55/50/47 = 152 45#hang, row, c2 bike
Theresa 44(back squats)/42/206 = 292 85# bs
Manisha 30/44/157 = 231 68#
Ben 34 / 51 / 300 Singles = 385sc
Greg 37 / 60 / 111 = 208 RX
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