

1 Mile run
20 Burpee Pullups
1 Mile run
20  Burpee Pullups
1 Mile run
20 Burpee Pullups

Coaches Note:
Athletes will have the option of doing 2 mile runs and 40 Burpee Pullups if they choose.  These classes will run similarly to The Wolverine.  Athletes will have until the end of the Barbell Class (12:00PM) to finish the workout.  The coach will still run an organized warm-up at the normal times (9:00AM and 10:00AM).  We do not often go to the extreme time domain so we were due.  Good luck chipping away. 

"It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer."
- Albert Einstein


steph v. said...

Hats off to the athletes who took on this WOD, you all did awesome! This morning we welcomed visits from Crossfitters, Erin (from Baltimore), Tina and Ryan (from Capital CrossFit in DC). Shout out to JK- keep it up lady your are doing awesome!!

Tina 44:52
Ryan 32:13
Justin R 38:28
Lauren 42:48 Burpee Ring Rows
Jna 49:22 BRR
Rinat 35:20
Mark C 29:50

Erin 39:10
Erika 25:06 800m/jump
Chip 42:57
JK 36:00 800m/BRR
Alona 38:31 BRR

Mark C said...

I wish I could have done that in 29:50! My time was 39:50.

chris p said...

Inspired by Clovis?

Mark C said...

Clovis? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Anonymous said...

Hero WOD. 10 mile run and 100 burpee pull ups