

CrossFit Games Open 11.4 
AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
 60 Bar-Facing Burpees
30 Overhead Squats (120#/90#)
10 Muscle-Ups

It's that time again. We are reaching into the archives for an Open sectional WOD. This is from 2011 the 4th WOD. Good luck!

(compare to 4.16.11)
Community Notes:
Congratulations to John C. for the completion of the Level 1 Seminar this weekend!

...and a BIG congrats to all the CFKoP finishers who completed in the Marathon, IronMan and World's Toughest Mudder this weekend!!

“The end is not the reward; the path you take, the emotions that course through you as you grasp life - that is the reward.”
― Jamie Magee, Embody

Lauren 74 (75#)
Mark C. 81 Rx
Robin 50
Jay 98 (JMU)
Steve M 90 (75#)
Roni 73 70#
Kelvin 81 90#
Bekah 71 Rx
Brian D. 66 65#
Klutch 83 100#
Gina S. 82 55#
Kathleen 73 53#
Mike S. 68 65#
KT 75 Rx
Ellie 83 45#
Susan 95 MUT/55#
Kara 82 22#
Chris 90 35#
Beth O 67 (onearmscale)
Amanda 82 35#
Allison B 87 22#
Kim C 87 22#
Barb Z 86 35# ROM
John King 93 (95#/JMU)
Ryan B 96 (JMU)
Joy 90 40#
Becca 55
Alexis 75 35#
Rachael 98 45#/MUT
Sandy 91/MUT
Keith 94 RX
Tracy 110 35#/MUT
Justin R 86 37#
Vinnie 89 33#
Jessie 100 form (MUT)
Jack 80 form
PH 86 Rx
Brian 90 Rx
Justin H 90 Rx
Jason 91 95#JMU
Fab 76 95#


Jen s said...

Congrats Coxhead!!!!

steph said...

congrats john! and congrats to all those racing this weekend. awesome :)

Chris P. said...

Tim finished the 2.4 mile swim in 1:11:01, 112 mile bike in 6:26:44 and marathon in 3:57:54 for a total of 11 hours, 46 min. and 9 seconds placing 90th in his division (M30-34) and 669th overall

Kate finished the swim in 56:43 (1st in her division), bike in 6:14:38, and marathon in 5:55:20 for an overall time of 13 hours, 22 min. and 28 seconds placing 54th in her division and 1376th overall

Laura cheered for over 14 hours and placed 1st in her division and 1st overall for spectating

donkey said...

yeah, Coxhead! awesome!

Pappas, Kate, Faby and Mike P: so proud of ALL of you. you have such grit...way to show up and get it done.

Anonymous said...

Great accomplishments Kate and Tim!! Proud of you! Welcome to the club CH :-)

Lauren 74 (75#)
Mark C. 81 Rx
Robin 50
Jay 98 (JMU)
Steve M 90 (75#)

Mike T. said...

Roni 73 70#
Kelvin 81 90#
Bekah 71 Rx
Brain D. 66 65#
Klutch 83 100#
Gina S. 82 55#
Kathleen 73 53#
Mike S. 68 65#
KT 75 Rx
Ellie 83 45#

Laura Pappas said...

Thanks guys it was lots of fun! We hung out and stayed to cheer the people that squeak in at midnight (the cut time for the race) and I racked up a little over 13 miles in spectating!

Special shout out to Jim and Jess C who found me and helped cheer both Tim and Kate on in the run!

Anonymous said...

Hey KOP! I am currently looking to expand my life coaching practice to include a focus on those wishing to become more successful athletes in terms of improvement and overall satisfaction and enjoyment in their training. In order to do that I would like to practice, to gain my own confidence in this area that I am most passionate about. I figure I've got the best group of practice clients ever. If your willing to help me (and hopefully gain something valuable as well), we would do a 45min session over the telephone. The focus would be directed by you but could include goal setting, exploring obstacles, connecting to why you do what you do, finding motivation, dealing with plateau or decreased enjoyment in the gym, developing mental tools and structures to use in workouts..etc. The session would be entirely confidential. Inbox me or send me an email for more info, or go directly to my mindbody account and schedule a sample session (note: if you just logged in to cfkop mindbody you will have to sign out first before this link will work.) thanks! Only thing I ask in return is that you give me feedback! https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/home.asp?studioid=20579

Sooki said...

Congrats, John!!!!

Chris, loved the Laura update!

I want in on this WOD... My pillow is giving me neck pains. Next time

Jen Naspinski said...

I was one of Steph's guinea pigs and it was a great experience. I encourage you to take advantage - I learned a lot about why I crossfit - not just the taglines from the movement about functional fitness and constantly varied.

Keith B said...

I'm sorry I updated my phone and it erased my all of my pictures. Please post your results.

Anonymous said...

oh man keith, i just got the score half, not the names in my photo!!!

well 6:30 was a BAC!! Thanks to Jen and Paul for helping out!!

Jackie 87 (55)
Borden 88 Rx
Conn 70 Rx
Sam 96 Rx
Olicer 116 Rx
Patrick 90 (95)
Francie 100 (22/PU)
JNa 77 (25
Tre 89 (60)
Kegs 47 (40burpees/45)
JK 70 (40burpees/22)
Heather 100 (55/RR)
Vinny 97 Rx
Dan 90 (60)
AJ 77 (rx)
Andrew 75 (65)
Mark W 100 (MUT)
KateC 76 Rx
Derreck 74 (95)
Liz 91 (35/pu&dip)

Jen S. said...

jen s 75 rx