
W.O.D. 12.27.11





"Power to Resist Force"
3 Station Rotations

1) Max load on Yoke (30' carry)
2) Max load for 5 consecutive overhead step-ups (24/20")
3) Max reps of weighted ring rows (weight vest)

Coaches Notes:
1) The yoke weighs 200 pounds when unloaded. If this weight is too much for the athlete, they can use a weighted barbell for a similar stimulus. When going heavy on this technique, it is important to hold your breath while walking...think full soda can.
2) The movement is as simple as it sounds. Get a load over head with ACTIVE shoulders and step up onto a box...then step off and repeat FOUR more times. Increase in weight every set to find your max. If you have never done this movement before, please start with a low box and a light weight.
3) In this movement, the bottom of the ring should be one fist's distance above your outstretched hand while laying flat on your back (fingers extended). For the repetition to count, you are not allowed to kip and the rings must make PHYSICAL contact with your torso. It is extremely important to keep an extremely tight core. To scale the movement, move the rings further up so more of your weight is supported on your feet.

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will"
Mohandas Ghandi

Dianne - 123#/35#/1 (13#)
Mike P - 400/45#/18 (20# rx)
Pat P - 280/45/9 (21#)
Mike S - 290/35#/4 (20# rx)
Kurtis 660/15/2
David 380/65/11(18)
Christine 290/45/5(20)
Chip 450/75/12(18)
Chris T 250/55/5
Drew 500/65/5(12)
Becca 250/55/1(18)
Lam 380/75/5(12)
LP 250/80/4(18)
Scott P 470/105/15
Luke 470/105/4
Erika 310/60/6
Patrick 380/115
Kate 340/65/5
Sam B 250/55/15
Oleg 470/65/15
Nicole S 250/33/2
JZ 350/75(20")/11
Jay E 600/95(20")/7
John C 470/115/18
Steph 380/43/form
Denise 250/55/3
Sean S 350/85(21")/5
Giovanni 470/95/11
Vincent 400/65(20")/6
Olan 470/65/12
Chuck 290/75/9
Jess C 250/63/4
Vinny 470/115/17
Joe 580/75/10
Sharon 250/PVC/3
Aim 300/73/9
BO 250/75/3
Tony - 420/105/10
Schell - 510/45#(20)/8
TP - 420/75/21
Sarah - 210/40/10 (no vest)
Sandy - 210/40/2 (no vest)
Diego - 300/55#(20")/10
Conor - 550/95/8
Nick - 380/95/10
Akeem - 450/45/6
Rebecca S. - 270/45/16 (scaled)


Anonymous said...

Hello CFKOP ladies- I am looking to create a Radical Hateloss CrossFit Discussion Series in 2012. These will be free conference calls with crossfitting women all over the country. I have created a survey to find out what people would be most interested in. If you could take a few moments to complete it I'd be much appreciative! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PTLFKGH

Jason Lyons said...

sexist much? lol

Cline said...

The only way we can fight such rampant sexism in these conference calls is with a whole lot of heavy breathing.

Tim P said...


Yoke/Overhead Step Up/Ring Row Reps (weight)

Dianne - 123#/35#/1 (13#)
Mike P - Yoke+200/45#/18 (20# rx)
Pat P - Yoke+80/45/9 (21#)
Mike S - Yoke+90/35#/4 (20# rx)

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys- us ladies need our girl talk time :-)

Cate said...

930 results:

Kurtis 660/15/2
David 380/65/11(18)
Christine 290/45/5(20)
Chip 450/75/12(18)
Chris T 250/55/5
Drew 500/65/5(12)
Becca 250/55/1(18)
Lam 380/75/5(12)
LP 250/80/4(18)

Way to go everyone!!! i am so impressed!

Drew said...

Feeling the effects of this later in the day. My legs are shaking! Love it!

Jason Lyons said...

Coaches comment on the weighted step-ups. I saw a lot of people in my classes "cheating" the movement for lack of a better word. The intention of the movement is to fully stand on the box using one leg and then support the weight on the box with your second leg. So, to perform the movement correctly, you would stand all the way up (fully extending the knee) before your second foot touched the box. A lot of people were in the process of standing on the box and while their knee was still flexed, they were sneaking their other leg onto the box and then standing up with both legs. This action makes the movement significantly easier and allows you to do more weight. As the weight gets heavy, everyone will eventually do this because your body finds a way to finish the movement. It is akin to push jerking when you want to push press. I would encourage everyone to be mindful of this next time.

Vinny said...

6:30 Results:
Tony - 420/105/10
Schell - 510/45#(20)/8
TP - 420/75/21
Sarah - 210/40/10 (no vest)
Sandy - 210/40/2 (no vest)
Diego - 300/55#(20")/10
Conor - 550/95/8
Nick - 380/95/10
Akeem - 450/45/6
Rebecca S. - 270/45/16 (scaled)

Way to carry that yoke, everyone! Welcome to Conor - carried 550# on his first night at the box!