Welcome Chris From New Zealand!!
Organized Chaos = 12 days of Christmas
Running to the walls (on the first round or two)

Mike P. over the wall

Katie V. overhead
Chloe learns to log the results...
little Byrne rides the airdyne

A visit from Kit
12 Days of Christmas at CrossFit KoP
1 Deadlift (185/275)
2 Wall Ascents (6ft/8ft)
3 Ring Dips
4 Box Jumps (21"/25")
5 Med Ball Clean (14/20)
6 Clean and Jerk (75/115)
7 Toes to Bar
8 Burpees
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55/75)
10 Wall Balls (14/20) to (9ft/10ft)
11 Thrusters (75/115)
12 DB Snatch 12L/12R 25/40
Just sing the 12 days of Christmas to yourself and follow the exercises...You will complete 1 Deadlift...then 2 Wall Ascents & 1 Deadlfit...then 3 Ring dips & 2 WallAscents & 1 Deadlfit...and so on 4,3,2,1...5,4,3,2,1....etc, until you get from 12-1 you will be finished with the workout. This is a chipper, so be ready. We will scale to level and ability.
(compare to 12.26.10)
We are open from 1-4PM for you to come and give this a go. We will not be running regular class times today, only 1-4PM.
Top 5 Reasons you need GHEE in your lifeby C. Plentus
CrossFit Games Marathon on ESPN2, New Year's Day starting at 1:00pm ET - video [wmv] [mov]
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."
– John F. Kennedy
Aimee 33:03
Cate 39:13
Kate C 41:16
Mike P 55:53
Mike T. 45:54
Keith B. 60:25
Olan 53:38
Tidmore 50:24
Kevin B. 62:32
Jen S. 50:40
Kit 40:40
Tid/REd 35:02 (team of two, x2)
Katie V 61:59
Kristin T. 45:45
REbecca 54:11
Chris (NZ) 63:45
Schell 83:56
Gabe 59:56
Flounder 56:28
Pete (NC) 55:00
Mike S. 41:50-10days
Jordan 41:50-9days
Dorothy 59:48
Kathleen 60:34
Ciera 69:28
Denise 57:49
Joe C. - ouchie
Rhonda 58:38
Lee 56:15
Ken 69:42
Dan G. 64:38
Sean S. 56:15
Patrick P. 51:56
Rachael 66:19
JNa 70:47
Jess C. 62:00
Joy 60:04
Alexis 60:57
Mike W-11 days
Sarah W-8 days
Travis 74:49
Nick C 71:36
Stasie 75:00
Meg B. 55:40
Diego 57:00
Megs 54:30
Laura 51:25
Jay E 53:58
Kate K 48:50
Justin K 40:50 - 10 days
1 Deadlift (185/275)
2 Wall Ascents (6ft/8ft)
3 Ring Dips
4 Box Jumps (21"/25")
5 Med Ball Clean (14/20)
6 Clean and Jerk (75/115)
7 Toes to Bar
8 Burpees
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55/75)
10 Wall Balls (14/20) to (9ft/10ft)
11 Thrusters (75/115)
12 DB Snatch 12L/12R 25/40
Just sing the 12 days of Christmas to yourself and follow the exercises...You will complete 1 Deadlift...then 2 Wall Ascents & 1 Deadlfit...then 3 Ring dips & 2 WallAscents & 1 Deadlfit...and so on 4,3,2,1...5,4,3,2,1....etc, until you get from 12-1 you will be finished with the workout. This is a chipper, so be ready. We will scale to level and ability.
(compare to 12.26.10)
We are open from 1-4PM for you to come and give this a go. We will not be running regular class times today, only 1-4PM.
Top 5 Reasons you need GHEE in your lifeby C. Plentus
CrossFit Games Marathon on ESPN2, New Year's Day starting at 1:00pm ET - video [wmv] [mov]
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."
– John F. Kennedy
Aimee 33:03
Cate 39:13
Kate C 41:16
Mike P 55:53
Mike T. 45:54
Keith B. 60:25
Olan 53:38
Tidmore 50:24
Kevin B. 62:32
Jen S. 50:40
Kit 40:40
Tid/REd 35:02 (team of two, x2)
Katie V 61:59
Kristin T. 45:45
REbecca 54:11
Chris (NZ) 63:45
Schell 83:56
Gabe 59:56
Flounder 56:28
Pete (NC) 55:00
Mike S. 41:50-10days
Jordan 41:50-9days
Dorothy 59:48
Kathleen 60:34
Ciera 69:28
Denise 57:49
Joe C. - ouchie
Rhonda 58:38
Lee 56:15
Ken 69:42
Dan G. 64:38
Sean S. 56:15
Patrick P. 51:56
Rachael 66:19
JNa 70:47
Jess C. 62:00
Joy 60:04
Alexis 60:57
Mike W-11 days
Sarah W-8 days
Travis 74:49
Nick C 71:36
Stasie 75:00
Meg B. 55:40
Diego 57:00
Megs 54:30
Laura 51:25
Jay E 53:58
Kate K 48:50
Justin K 40:50 - 10 days
OMG - that was fun.
2nd that, that was fun. Thanks Aimee & Jason!
34 wall climbs have done serious damage to my wrists and forearms!
Tid/REd 35:02 (team of two, x2) scaled as a team . . . so no Rx.
. . . . did I mention that I'm in looooooooove with these type of workouts ;-)
Thanks to everyone for coming out and working with the staggered starts! Post to comments your specific scales. I missed Tony and Joes' times, so please post. Happy Holidays!
I Rx'ed this the first time around (55:53).
Happy Holidays to all!
I actually scaled the ring dips so I was not rx...next year!
Yes I did it one and a half times but no rx
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