
W.O.D. 11.21.11

Front Rack position - check!

Active shoulder overhead - check!

Fitting shirt for the WOD - check!

Way to grind through a tough workout today CFKoP!

Clean and Jerk
(use 20 minutes to work on form up to about 85% of your 1RM)


1-10 - Clean and Jerk 165#/110#
10-1 - Front Squats 165#/110#

Community Notes:
We are running a slightly modified schedule this week for the Thanksgiving Holiday: Wednesday-11/23 (normal schedule except the 6:30PM is CANCELED)
Thursday-11/24 8AM Amazing Race WOD
Friday-11/25 10AM team WOD (Friends and Family day)
Saturday-11/26 Regular schedule resumes.

"Cherish your visions and dreams. They are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements."
-Napoleon Hill

Dorothy 24:14 / 95
Bekah 12:30 / 65
John K 20:18 / 95
Jay E 18:53 / 165
Lauren 17:03 / 15 -- First Class :)
Joy 16:47 / 53
Kristin T 20:03 / 85
Rebecca 21:01 / 55
Jen S. 23:58 / 95
Hannah 24:05 / 85
Susan 24:46 / 85
Evan 22:17 / 75
Mike T. 23:16 / 135
Beth O. 17:05 / 35
Kara 18:40 / 55
Chris T. 23:05 / 65
Jordan 12:13 / 45form
Meg B. 17:36/ 53
Kevin B 25:11/115
Keith B 24:39/145
Nicole Mc 20:31 / 35
Travis 27:22/ 105
Becca 19:31/ 50
Jackie 20:40/ 20#DB
Alexis 18:53/ 50
Diego 23:40/85
J.King 19:20/65
Rachael 22:54/65
Michelle 21:00/15
Sandy 16:05/50
Megs 17:34/80/45
Tim H 25:09/115
LP 19:56/75
Katie FM 19:56/50
Dee 19:23/75
Ken 21:19/65
Joe C 24:00/95
Vin 34:44/165
Ed 21:56/115
Gabe 22:50
KSB ouchie 65
Kathleen 19:22/55
Miranda 21:39
Lam 23:10
Mel 23:13
Steph 25:52/ 110
Arin 25:41/65
P 42:14
Ben 31:06/85
Olan 26:02/145
Oleg 22:04 95#
Greg ?
Randy 23:40/95
Schell 20:41/115
Erika 16:55/63
Justin 25:22/115
Joe M. 13:51/135 (3-8,8-3)
Nick 21:03/95
Peter O 15:29/75
Conn 22:09/105
Jerry 24:33/135
John C 14:08/95
Heather 11:32/35(form)
Katie V 20:40/65
Kate C. 18:45/95
Aimee 20:27/100
Cate 19:00/ Rx


Laura Pappas said...

Dorothy 24:14 / 95#
Bekah 12:30 / 65
John K 20:18 / 95
Jay E 18:53 / 165
Lauren 17:03 / 15 -- First Class :)
Joy 16:47 / 53
Kristin T 20:03 / 85
Rebecca 21:01 / 55

Great job this morning to everyone, way to fight through the "almost double grace with a shit ton of squats!"

Unknown said...

WOW, that was killer (but awesome).

Anonymous said...

Yeah Ben- that WOD was a monster!!

Unknown said...

My score is missing. My time was 18 something (18:45 maybe?) @ 95#

Miranda said...

Great job tonight Ben!

Plentus - Awesome fight to the end, I am inspired by you!
Kate C - yes, that was your time, I checked it out at Westside:)

Anonymous said...

Hannah siting!!!! I miss Crossfit KoP~ Grans

Aimee Lyons said...

and GRANS siting on the blog, how's the UK???

Grans said...

AIM!! miss you! What i wouldn't give to do a turkey wod with you!! There is just too much Daddy Land going on in our garage box!