Remembering D.T.
Anyone still feeling the aftermath of D.T.? Was it a little too spicy or just the right amount. How are you feeling two days later? Did you go too heavy on the weight straight out of the gate, have to scale back? Too light? Just right? Post to comments.
Did you want to know more about the hero behind the "DT" workout? Read this post from a member at Hammer Down CrossFit (VA).
Check out this video of Khalipa doing it in just over 6 Minutes:
DT, Jason Khalipa [wmv][mov] » Apr 8 10
I am curious what the recommended time domain is for this. I was over 15 minutes and I am wondering if that is too slow after watching Godzilla, I mean Khalipa. My traps are sore as anything today but I would be able to workout today if it were not Wednesday.
I strung all of the deads and all of the push jerks but the HPC killed me. I just could not grip the bar. When I would bring it down, it was break my hook and fall to the ground. VERY frustrating doing that many more deads. Still one of my favorite workouts. Nothing like the feeling of moving 10 tons of weight in 15 minutes. Nyahhh
my delts hurt a lot...mike fab carried my ass through this team WOD, solo 10 rounds??? wow, not on my radar anytime soon. Mike did his last set in less than 1:40.
not only is Khalipa a firebreather in general (and 2008 CF Games winner), but this kind of workout is in his wheelhouse: heavy barbell, high reps, no running. As with most WODs, the firebreathers are going to have times that are just not on the realm of "normal." I'd say if you can do this around 10-15 min. it's a good strength training stimulus. And as much as the light metcons are fun/exciting, DT should make you want to strength train! backsquats, deads, push press, etc.
Jimbo, DT Rx'd is 5 rounds. Technically you did DT Rx'd but with built in rest when Mike was going.
My upper traps are smoked-2 days later. I liked the mental approach of working in the relay with a partner. I'd say with out the help of Mike V. I would have gone between 10-15 mins.
Having the partner really helped mentally. My forearms are still really sore from it. I also found that if I used the regular grip on the DL's, it killed my grip during the HPC's. So I went to the alternating grip for the first 11, put the bar down and then switched my grip to the overhand. It seemed to help a bunch. (granted those HPC's were BRUTAL. I couldn't string more than 3 in my last round).
Me and Vincent went with the 135 and it seemed really heavy, but I think we made the right choice with that weight.
I have to admit workouts like DT make me smile! Its good to have one every once and awhile that i can rock. I did rounds 1-2 unbroken and the last three dropped the bar 2-3 times. forearms are what forced me to drop it. HPC was by far the hardest part. the built in break was awesome...it would have been a complely different experience without it...but i am looking forward to trying. Interesting to note I'm really not that sore from this one...weird.
Well I pretty much ruined Steph's time on this one! She was flying through rounds and getting PLENTY of rest between sets!
105 destroyed me after round 1 and 1/2. I dropped to 95 after that. Those HPC were awful and I am still feeling the effects pretty hard. I could barely pick my head up off the pillow this morning for that 6 am class! Upper traps are definitely crushed pretty hard still.
Same, the upper traps are crushed. I woke up yesterday and thought I just slept wrong. The HPC's were the hardest part for me. And I was surprised how "heavy" the jerks felt.
I think in the relay format you didnt step away from the bar as much, and were pushed to get all your reps done in the same rep scheme as your partner.
Which weighs more: The Chrysler Building or the Cheops Pyramid??
Yeah, my trapps are done. In fact, I decided to make this week a back off week because of it. That, and I think I just need to reset.
I think that I picked exactly the right weight, but I could have gone heavier and will the next time. I feel a lot better about my push jerks. Maybe it's just because I felt really crappy about HPCs.
Danny, my gues would be that teh pyramids weigh more. They knew how to build sturdy things back then and with modern materials, I would think the pyramid might weigh more.
Did you know that the community of King of Prussia took its name in the 18th century from a local tavern named "The King of Prussia Inn", which was named after Frederick II, King of Prussia. The original Inn was moved in 2000.
ouch, tough question. chrysler building is tallest brick building in world. pyramids are all brick so to speak. if i had to guess, i am going to guess the pyramids and i am guessing so based on density of the actual structure. if pyramids are hollow inside, i change my answer.
do you know?
my money is on the pyramid. each stone weighed around 3 tons, although some stones around the king's chamber were up to 50 tons! A total of 2.3 millions stones were used. I did some googling and that's an estimated total of 6,500,000 tons.
21,000 tons of steel were used structurally for the Chrysler building and just under 4 million bricks. I don't know the size of the bricks, but I doubt they would each be the required 2,000-3,000 lbs. Even adding in people and furniture and rivets, I think the pyramid wins out because of it's volume and density.
Jason, did you know that there's a guy at Drexel doing research on how the pyramids were made (at least he was there a few years back, not sure if he's still there)? He believes they were made of something similar to concrete. Seems more believable to me since the ramp would have to be almost as big as the pyramids themselves....
I loved DT and I love doing it with a partner even though we get to rest I put the bar down much less. I love that my traps are sore its not as bad as when my hamstrings are sore and I can barely walk down steps. Soreness means your body is changing.
I am sore from DT, but also achy from being sick. Not sure the exact cause. Probably a combination of both.
I started with 95, but switched to 83 after I couldn't hold the boy bar anymore. Needed to hook grip it. Probably could have done 95 with the girl bar, but didn't.
How does one go from using 95lbs for these clean and jerk WODs to using 105 lbs without losing the intensity.
Any suggestions for extra work I can do on top of my Wendler strength training, skill training, and mobility work? I really want to be able to use 105 for these heavy C&J days.
I also vote for the pyrimids....based on mothing more than a gut feeling.
I had a terrible time trying to keep the hook grip from clean to clean. I felt like using it helped a ton on that firs tone, but when it was on my chest I don't keep it in the hook. Then when it went back down I couldn't re-hook and had a hard time holding onto the bar....
I thought the hardest movements were the PJ's. They got really tough in the last 2 rounds. I had to onsie-twosie them. Nobody else? [@135]
I dont know the answer but according to my show "Ancient Aliens"...Aliens built the pyramids.
What is the rx version of DT? Is it only 5 rounds?
I have done DT without a partner and with a partner... With a partner was absolutely more of a push... and with a partner like Joe A., there wasn't very much rest..(at least for me) Most of our team time was Joe keepin me moving..
Feeling the traps, but it's a good sore..
Oddly enough, my lower back is the most sore right now. I know what you're going to say... that I have terrible form and should feel it in my traps, and its because of the silly straight-leg deadlifts I use in metcons. Well I'm not so sure. While I may not have been shrugging much, I really focused on opening my hips on the HPCs (as well as actually bending my knees on the deads) and I think its just a tight set of glutes pulling on my lower back. Well that and those crazy sled drags that Aimee had us do!
Agreed that partner was mentally "easier" than solo DT even though the work load was the same.
I love dt and I loved team dt even more. I wish we did it every week!
I've seen both structures and its gotta be the pyramids.
these pictures don't do it justice - https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/0mehD4_HcWZysqn4nvDtvw?feat=directlink
I actually went inside the great pyramid and it wasn't all that hollow. Talk about a tough WOD - our guide told us many tourists have had heart attacks on their way to see the crypt inside.
Hope TD likes the fact that he has a kick ass WOD named after him. The world needs more poeple like him, good read about another tragic life gone
Did DT tonight. Used 115 and it took 16:57. I would go right from my jerks into 11 deads to get them ouit of the way. The whole thing was brutal, but I like this one. Of course, I did not RX, but also did not get full range on my pj. Partially because I am bad at them and partly because I have a low ceiling in my basement.
Mike V: I have noticed I do more damage to my back on WOD's with lighter deadlifts. I have more of a chance to not reset after each rep.
Nikki: thanks for the props yesterday
P: you are an animal. I felt good about my time, then saw your weight vest!
Jim, thanks for the props, but you had a great push through the WOD. My traps were a little sore, but DT is right in my wheel house of strengths. Definitely a WOD I enjoy. I found the Push Jerks were the hardest part for me. The added rest was a help and it was good to have a partner pushing you.
My traps are shot, but it was an honor to do this wod for such a hero. I would like to do the one with out a partner some time if anyone would like to join me.
The rest in between each round definitely helped.
Not being able to SJ made the jerks difficult towards the end.
my traps were wicked sore until this morning. now they're just a little tight. nothing lethal.
I started at 105 and went balls out in round 1. everything was great til push jerks and then i thought i would die. kept 105 for round 2 and stripped to 95 at push jerks. rounds 3 and 4 were excruciating at 95. i think it's the only time i have said out loud, "i can't finish this". luckily i was handily informed that i was most certainly going to finish. by round 5 i found my love again and strung all 12 deads and all 9 HPC.
i've done this with and without a partner and i think the partner WOD was tougher...you definitely push harder with someone encouraging you and counting on your speed. of course, i also did solo DT at 95 the whole time.
i agree with cate: i'd do this every week, no less so for the hero it honors.
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