What a Weekend!
Thank you to all the participants at the L1 Certification, the amazing coaches and my family and friends who it wouldn't have been possible without!!!
Thank you to all the participants at the L1 Certification, the amazing coaches and my family and friends who it wouldn't have been possible without!!!
Let's not forget about Doug, who will soon be our newest affiliate in State College! Doug, it was great seeing you back at the box!
W.O.D 2.1.10
Alotta Ladies!
10 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
50 Double Unders
50 Sit-Ups
21 Thrusters (95#/65#)
21 Pull-ups
30 WallBalls (20#/14#)
30 Box Jumps (21#/25#)
We need a variety of input and influence and voices. You cannot get all the answers to life and business from one person or from one source.”
-Jim Rohn
10 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
50 Double Unders
50 Sit-Ups
21 Thrusters (95#/65#)
21 Pull-ups
30 WallBalls (20#/14#)
30 Box Jumps (21#/25#)
We need a variety of input and influence and voices. You cannot get all the answers to life and business from one person or from one source.”
-Jim Rohn
Swine: 10:47
Miranda: 14:10
Mike B: 13:37
Nikki: 9:56
Sam B: 10:37
Jim C: 18:15
Joe A: 24:46
Mike V: 14:56
Rob: 17:29
Steve: 21:03 Pukie
Jim (visitor): 18:23
Jen S: 17:50
Tim M: 20:56
Grans: 13:23 (40 Box jumps)
Mike F: 17:17
Shawn: 16:02
Cate: 15:59
Chris T: 18:01
Kara: 17:45
Kim: 25:35
Kristen: 21:25
Donkey: 17:45
Mom: 17:30
Vincent: 19:51
Melanie: 17:21
Steph: 19:51
Curin: 19:19
Patti: 18:27
Megs: 14:57
Kelly: 18:04
Gina: 20:31
Katie: 18:47
Maureen: 19:55
JZ: 14:56
Kevin: 16:14
Ludwig: Glucose
Justin: 22:14
Liz: 18:40
Laura: 12:12
Kerry: 15:10