is right around the corner...many might say who cares? Why am I talking about October? It's only the beginning of August, right? But Nicole and Chris, a most fabulous couple are getting ready to tie the knot on October 4th!!! Congrats! And even a bigger congrats for finishing out your 1/2 hour training session today! They did a little workout I picked up at my first visit to CrossFit Fort Myers...
Burpees & WBS (Nicole:10lbs/Chris:20lbs):
This workout runs every minute on the minute for 30 minutes.
Start with one rep of each movement on the first minute, then add one rep every minute thereafter. Example:
Minute One: 1 Burpee, 1 WBS
Minute Two: 2 Burpees, 2 WBS
Minute Three: 3 Burpees, 3 WBS
Minute Four: 4 Burpees, 4 WBS etc ...
Continue as long as you can adding one rep to each movement until you "miss" - until you can no longer complete all the reps within one minute. At that point you re-start on the next minute, beginning at one rep and adding up again. Your total number of reps is your final score for this WOD.
Nicole 156
Chris 163
AWESOME work!!!!!
See you Friday!
I believe he's checking his pulse in the picture!
See below for some new times!
The 6am CrossFit Class took on Fran early today!
Awesome work guys! see you next Wednesday!
Barbell Thrusters (95)(65)
65lb 8:43-Jason
65lb 6:18 - Paul
65lb 9:13 Kevin
65lb 8:01 Tim
65lb 9:03 Ed
65lb 5:03 Geoff
40lb 20:30-Patti
45lb 8:00-Orla
45/40 9:55- Nicole
95 rx'd 6:47 -Christian
rx'd 7:55-Aimee
I took just under two minutes off my previous time!
And to put us all to here to check out some CrossFit "kids" doing Fran!
And Check out FirefighterFran!! Click here to be inspired!
Comfort Zone...
Are you happy with your fitness routine? Are you getting the results you want? If not, you are not alone, that is the frustration with so many people today...most people stay inside their comfort zone, but in order to make a positive change in your life you need to take a step outside of that comfort zone and expand your boundaries. I saw something today which reconfirmed why I love what I do and why I love helping people get outside of that comfort zone in into the unknown, beyond the essence, RESULTS!! Results do not come with out some sort of pain, physical, maybe mental, possibly psychological.
Studies at the University of Chicago by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, concluded that the highest achievers are those who consistently push themselves out of their comfort zones. Instead of withdrawing to their comfort zones when they don't get immediate positive results, they force themselves to stay at this awkward, uncomfortable and painful (but higher and better) level of performance until the pain finally subsides and they become comfortable at the new higher level.
Never look at something and say you can' can!
Saying you can't is like giving up before you are actually given the challenge...
And don't bother saying "can't" in my presence or just drop and give me 10 "honest push-ups"...Laura and Jason can attest...I believe Nicole still owes me a few....
Patti, way to step out of that that comfort zone today!
You inspired me!
Studies at the University of Chicago by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, concluded that the highest achievers are those who consistently push themselves out of their comfort zones. Instead of withdrawing to their comfort zones when they don't get immediate positive results, they force themselves to stay at this awkward, uncomfortable and painful (but higher and better) level of performance until the pain finally subsides and they become comfortable at the new higher level.
Never look at something and say you can' can!
Saying you can't is like giving up before you are actually given the challenge...
And don't bother saying "can't" in my presence or just drop and give me 10 "honest push-ups"...Laura and Jason can attest...I believe Nicole still owes me a few....
Patti, way to step out of that that comfort zone today!
You inspired me!
A Team Deadlift Workout!
Way to perfect the Deadlift everyone!
Two teams-
Team 1- Pam, Jason, Tonya, Trisha, Beth, Tim
Team 2-Hanna, Laura, Nicole, Doreen, Gerard, Flavia
Perfect form with the "broomstick" must be completed first by all members of the team!
Move on to 5 reps @ 65lbs, complete perfect form next...
Move on to 3 reps @ 95lbs, complete perfect form next...
Move on to 5 sets 10 reps each set @ 135lbs, the entire team must complete perfect form or they go back for "rehabilitation"...the "broomstick"
Team must finish 800M together and 120 honest push-ups (20 each) to win....
We had only about a 10 second difference! Team 2 won by just about 5 push-ups!
Everyone, way to perfect the Deadlift!!! Click here to watch some perfect form.
A few notes on the Deadlift, it is unrivaled in its simplicity and impact while unique in its capacity for increasing head to toe strength! Regardless of weather your fitness goals are to "rev-up" your metabolism, increase strength or lean body mass, decrease body fat, rehabilitate your back, improve athletic performance or maintain functional independence as a senior, the deadlift is marked as a shortcut to that end! -CrossFit Journal August 2003
Two teams-
Team 1- Pam, Jason, Tonya, Trisha, Beth, Tim
Team 2-Hanna, Laura, Nicole, Doreen, Gerard, Flavia
Perfect form with the "broomstick" must be completed first by all members of the team!
Move on to 5 reps @ 65lbs, complete perfect form next...
Move on to 3 reps @ 95lbs, complete perfect form next...
Move on to 5 sets 10 reps each set @ 135lbs, the entire team must complete perfect form or they go back for "rehabilitation"...the "broomstick"
Team must finish 800M together and 120 honest push-ups (20 each) to win....
We had only about a 10 second difference! Team 2 won by just about 5 push-ups!
Everyone, way to perfect the Deadlift!!! Click here to watch some perfect form.
A few notes on the Deadlift, it is unrivaled in its simplicity and impact while unique in its capacity for increasing head to toe strength! Regardless of weather your fitness goals are to "rev-up" your metabolism, increase strength or lean body mass, decrease body fat, rehabilitate your back, improve athletic performance or maintain functional independence as a senior, the deadlift is marked as a shortcut to that end! -CrossFit Journal August 2003
As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Nicole-11 rounds
Click here to watch a Mini-Cindy Demo for 20 minutes.
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Nicole-11 rounds
Click here to watch a Mini-Cindy Demo for 20 minutes.
CrossFit slogans...
"It's so competitive you will create your own blog"...Orla
"Size Doesn't Matter ... Time Does"
"This is gonna suck...but in a good way"...Patti this one is for you
"Show up to Throw up"...CrossFit Fort Myers
Please post other ideas/slogans for CrossFit KOP T-Shirts...we are going to get the T-Shirt presses rolling soon!
"Size Doesn't Matter ... Time Does"
"This is gonna suck...but in a good way"...Patti this one is for you
"Show up to Throw up"...CrossFit Fort Myers
Please post other ideas/slogans for CrossFit KOP T-Shirts...we are going to get the T-Shirt presses rolling soon!
Shoulder Press/Push Press/Push Jerk
Single Modality Day- Big W for Big O
We introduced Orla to some Olympic lifts today!
40 on Shoulder Press
50 on Push Press
50 on Push Jerk
Click here to take a look at the tri-panel of the exercises!
We introduced Orla to some Olympic lifts today!
40 on Shoulder Press
50 on Push Press
50 on Push Jerk
Click here to take a look at the tri-panel of the exercises!
Meet "NANCY"
5 rounds for time:
400M Run
15 Overhead Squats (95)(65)
11:01...can you beat it Rx'd? Click here to watch the video!
"Big O and Big P...beautiful squats ladies, next time are adding weight here!"
Nicole-23:16 (20lbs)
Aimee-18:50 Rx'd
400M Run
15 Overhead Squats (95)(65)
11:01...can you beat it Rx'd? Click here to watch the video!
"Big O and Big P...beautiful squats ladies, next time are adding weight here!"
Nicole-23:16 (20lbs)
Aimee-18:50 Rx'd
Geoff-15:28 (40lbs)
Ed-18:15 (40lbs)
Doreen-17:45 (30lbs)
Jeff-20:10 (30lbs)
Jason-23:55 (50/40/30lbs)
Laura-18:50 (30lbs)
Tim-17:38 (40lbs)
Paul-18:23 (45lbs)
Kevin-18:50 (50/30lbs)
*BTW...that's not Nancy in the picture...
Aimee's Dirty 30...
Nice work all, results below:
Orla 13:25 (those PT sessions must be paying off! Fantastic!)
Erica 13:49
Betsy 14:54
Gerard 15:13
Chengiz 15:30
Ken 15:50
Patti 16:30
Nicole 16:40
Jason 18:27
Peg and Jim DNF
CrossFit Fort Myers

A visit to Fort Myers wouldn't be complete with out a stop in at Jason Cobb's awsome CrossFit Fort Myers gym!
On Saturday we paired up with some Mixed Martial Arts fighters from Pitt's Penn Submission School and had a conditioning session. It was a modified "Fight Gone Bad" senerio with Burpees and lateral tire jumps, Wall Balls, Deadlifts, Push Press and a nice 200M sprint to finish it off! Thanks again Jason, it was a blast, I can't wait for my next visit!! If you want to see more pics of me in action check out Jason's Coaches Blog at For my F.A.C crew...check out my burpee form...that's what we are aiming for!!
Tabata Squats P=7 O=11
21-15-9 for time
DB Thrusters
P= 20:10
Way to go ladies, get ready for next week...we are going to take it up a notch!
21-15-9 for time
DB Thrusters
P= 20:10
Way to go ladies, get ready for next week...we are going to take it up a notch!
Burpees have a new name..."Nightmares"
After Nicole's first PT CrossFit session at about her 30th Burpee (BTW she made it through 40 of them, whew, nice work!) she coined the new name "Nightmares"...if you have never witnessed a burpee I suggest you click here to check one out! Even if you have done them previously check out the great form and techinque. And don't forget the new CrossFit standard after the 2008 CrossFit games is to clap at the top!!! Nicole also had a new name for the "thrusters" but we will wait until she Rx'ds them for her to really describe them, she might come up with something better! Nicole was an animal tonight, after an hour of my spin class she did 4 rounds of 10 K-T-E, 10 DB-Thrusters, 10 Walking Lunges and 10 "nightmares" in 25 minutes! Nice Work Girl!!! Here's the info I promised on here to view it, Nutrition is really the foundation for all training!
My 6 AM W.O.D at CrossFit Generation
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
Vertical Jumps
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
Vertical Jumps
W.O.D. Triple Modality
Triple Modality M-W-G
Complete for time:
400M run
Thruster 21 (M 95lb/W 53)
400M run
Burpee 9
400M run
Thruster 15
400M run
Burpee 15
400M run
Thruster 9
400M run
Burpee 21
Tabata Squats for a treat at the end... and a Kipping lesson...
Ty-I'm gonna estimate here Ty, I'm not sure when you started running outside, gonna say approximately 28:46...
To all my first time CrossFit-ers...way to Rock It! Thanks for coming out for the fun, see you next week! I know the PM-guys missed the Tabata squats that Joe and Ed got in the AM, I'll make sure you don't miss them next week! I'm feeling Tabata Monday next week!!!
Check out the links below, a few more techniques on how to kip:
1. CrossFit Kipping Pull Up- Part 1
2. CrossFit Kipping Pull Up- Part 2
3. CrossFit Kipping Pull Up Part 3
4. CrossFit Kipping Pull Up Part 4
Joe and Ed...I promise you will get there soon!
Complete for time:
400M run
Thruster 21 (M 95lb/W 53)
400M run
Burpee 9
400M run
Thruster 15
400M run
Burpee 15
400M run
Thruster 9
400M run
Burpee 21
Tabata Squats for a treat at the end... and a Kipping lesson...
Ty-I'm gonna estimate here Ty, I'm not sure when you started running outside, gonna say approximately 28:46...
To all my first time CrossFit-ers...way to Rock It! Thanks for coming out for the fun, see you next week! I know the PM-guys missed the Tabata squats that Joe and Ed got in the AM, I'll make sure you don't miss them next week! I'm feeling Tabata Monday next week!!!
Check out the links below, a few more techniques on how to kip:
1. CrossFit Kipping Pull Up- Part 1
2. CrossFit Kipping Pull Up- Part 2
3. CrossFit Kipping Pull Up Part 3
4. CrossFit Kipping Pull Up Part 4
Joe and Ed...I promise you will get there soon!
CrossFit Games 2008
Click here to Check out the highlights!
Anyone ready for 2009? You've got to be motivated by this!
Anyone ready for 2009? You've got to be motivated by this!
CrossFit Class 1...Fairmount Athletic Club 5:30 PM
Patti 172
Steve 178
Nicole 196
Jason 216
Kevin 230
Beth 261
Pam 299...Pam way to rock it!!!!
See you all next week!
Ladies, don't listen to these "lies in the gym"
LIE:Weight training will make you huge and masculine.
In general women are not able to build monstrous muscle mass in the same manner as men due to a number of physiological factors. In order for women to get as big as competitive body builders there needs to be a combination of genetics, extensive long-term training, strict diet and supplementation (legal or otherwise). I promise ladies, you will not wake up after a work out and be huge like a "she-hulk"!
LIE:Men train, women tone.
To be serious about strength training you should eliminate the word "tone" from your vocabulary. Lifting a tiny weight for a hundred reps is a waste of time and never really stresses your muscles enough to make them much stronger. There is no such thing as "toning". There is muscle mass, strength gain and fat loss...that's it! In technical terms, "tone" refers to the ability of the central nervous system to provide passive muscular resistance to being stretched. What you probably think of as toned are merely muscles not hidden by a lot of body fat!! So in other words don't waste your time on little weights, go ahead step it up...the harder it is the stronger you get!
LIE:Women shouldn't work their leg and butt muscles, otherwise they'll get too big. By building muscle you speed up your metabolism, resulting in more effective fuel (calorie) consumption. More muscle means less fat in the long run! The largest group of muscles in a women's body is in her legs and butt; by neglecting the largest group of muscles you are neglecting the best area for building calorie burning muscle. And if you look at those "she-hulk" body builders, their butts are actually quite small....
Thank you Mistress Krista for the info above! Check out , Women's Weight Training...for more helpful info!
In general women are not able to build monstrous muscle mass in the same manner as men due to a number of physiological factors. In order for women to get as big as competitive body builders there needs to be a combination of genetics, extensive long-term training, strict diet and supplementation (legal or otherwise). I promise ladies, you will not wake up after a work out and be huge like a "she-hulk"!
LIE:Men train, women tone.
To be serious about strength training you should eliminate the word "tone" from your vocabulary. Lifting a tiny weight for a hundred reps is a waste of time and never really stresses your muscles enough to make them much stronger. There is no such thing as "toning". There is muscle mass, strength gain and fat loss...that's it! In technical terms, "tone" refers to the ability of the central nervous system to provide passive muscular resistance to being stretched. What you probably think of as toned are merely muscles not hidden by a lot of body fat!! So in other words don't waste your time on little weights, go ahead step it up...the harder it is the stronger you get!
LIE:Women shouldn't work their leg and butt muscles, otherwise they'll get too big. By building muscle you speed up your metabolism, resulting in more effective fuel (calorie) consumption. More muscle means less fat in the long run! The largest group of muscles in a women's body is in her legs and butt; by neglecting the largest group of muscles you are neglecting the best area for building calorie burning muscle. And if you look at those "she-hulk" body builders, their butts are actually quite small....
Thank you Mistress Krista for the info above! Check out , Women's Weight Training...for more helpful info!
9am Spin and CrossFit Fran...
Every Sunday at 9 am I teach spin at the Farimount Athletic Club. This week I had two special visitors; Ken and Jesse took a road trip and drove from Reading so I could kick their butts! Now that's true dedication...thanks for the visit guys, you both rocked it and worked up a great sweat in the process!! Remember, I'll be back at Valhalla on 7/11 at 6am and 7/25 for 6am spin class. Stay linked in to my blog for a CrossFit class on Friday's in Reading.
And...just a tidbit...I did CrossFit Fran Rx'd for Women, 65lb thrusters and Pull-ups 21-15-9 reps for a time of 9:42, thanks to Jason for keeping my time and motivating me through. Check in next month when I attempt it again for an improved time...
Here's a video of Greg and Annie doing Fran from the CrossFit website click here to watch it !! Certianly something to strive for!!!
And...just a tidbit...I did CrossFit Fran Rx'd for Women, 65lb thrusters and Pull-ups 21-15-9 reps for a time of 9:42, thanks to Jason for keeping my time and motivating me through. Check in next month when I attempt it again for an improved time...
Here's a video of Greg and Annie doing Fran from the CrossFit website click here to watch it !! Certianly something to strive for!!!
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