

Committed Crew Wod - by Julia N.
For time: 
400m run 
50 OHS (55/75) 
400m run 
30 OHS (65/95) 
400m run 
20 OHS (75/115)

Community Notes:
We are hosting a Level 2 Seminar this Weekend at CFKOP
Classes on 9 AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday will be at the Lyons Den - 555 W Beidler Rd. King of Prussia PA.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”—Benjamin Franklin


Aimee Lyons said...

6 AM
Subhan 16:00 65/65/75
Brian 13:16 rx
Alex 14:19 c2 bike/ 75#

Gillian 14:19 400m x3 35#

9:30 AM
Lee 14:12 15/25/35
Mary 15:32 35/45/55 C2 bike 1000M
Jackie 13:20 15/25/35 C2 1000 Bike

Aimee Lyons said...

Edwin 12:53 55/65/75
Shannon 13:43 rx
Meredith 16:28 C2 bike 1000- rom
Liam 17:05 300 M run/40/20/20 reps 33/43/43
Rich A- did work :)

Jackie Halpern said...

Lisa 13:37 (800m c2; 30-20-10 fs @ 33/43/53)

Danielle Gambone said...

Danielle- did about 15 mins of the wrong wod 🥸

Taylor W said...

Jeff 12:42 rx
Grace 14:39 rx
Grayson 16:20 25-35-40
Matt P 15:55 40-30-20 85#
Matt D 13:59 65-75-85
Mae 16:08 25-30-40 c2
Karen 14:38 35-55-65 c2

Eric 17:38 75-85-95
Scientist 14:03 rx
Freaky 14:58 rx
Bay 17:30 practice
Greg 15:52 rx
Sandra 15:12 35x3
Steph 14:53 2x 35 1x 45