

Take 20 Minutes to Build to a Heavy 1 RM Snatch

Cash out:
2 rounds for time: 
10 snatches (95/135 lb) 
12 bar-facing burpees 
Right into… 
2 rounds for time: 
10 snatches (75/115 lb) 
12 bar-facing burpees

(time cap 12:00)

"You get what you give." —Jennifer Lopez


Matt Powell said...

Julia 12:00 RX 80 reps - 1RM 120#
Brian 11:22 RX - 1RM 135#
Alex 7:58 95/75# - 1RM 115#
Jessica 11:48 85/75 - 1RM 95#
Colette 7:47 RX - 1RM 120#

Colette said...

Nick 115 11:22 75/65#
Jackie 105 9:49 85/75# athletic burpee
Larissa 60 10:19 45/35#
Mary 80 10:30 70/55# regular burpees
Evan 145 66 reps 75#
Em 85 8:32 65/55#
Cate 105 11:13 85/75#

Keith B said...


Sarah 60 9:05 35/25
Pam 110 7:54 85/75
Edwin 140 PR! 9:25 105/95
Erini 85 PR! 8:05 65/55
Shannon 120 7:34 Rx
Katri did work 6:38 55hpc
Dave 158 8:59 Rx
Rich 194 8:59 Rx
Matt Bo 11:22 Rx

Keith B said...


Terry 75 clean 9:05 55 athletic burpee
Kathy 100 safety squat 7:02 65(safetybar)/7cal ski
Ali 70 8:43 40/35
Steve 45(hang power snatch) 9:55 35/7cal row
Gordy 130 9:22 95/75
Jordan 105 10:10 75/65

Ben Shipley said...


Jeff- 205# 7:52 RX
Trevor- 155# 9:07 95/75
Freaky- Snatch work/ 7:29 65/55
Yormen- 85# Did work
Grace- 125# 7:03 RX


Eric 165# 11:13 RX
Seth 165# 9:55 115#
Danielle C- 75# 10:13 65/55
Greg- 185# 10:42 RX
Danielle G- 115# 9:09 RX