
W.O.D. 7.1.14

Keg boot camp!

"Summer Sweats"
for time complete:
80 Air Squats
60 Dumbbell Snatches (Alternating L/R)
40 Burpees
20 DB Front Squats

Community Notes:
We will be OPEN for one team workout on Friday the 4th of July at 10:00AM! Friends and Family are welcome, this will be a NEW "1776" WOD. This is a FREE class.

"The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges."
 - Martin Luther King Jr.


Jason Lyons said...

Brian: 19:10 (45/sb)
King: 17:48 (HSPU rom)
Joy: 13:46 (20/sb)
Nolan: 17:39 (20/sb)
Steve T: 22:47 (20/15/sb)
Peter: 14:59 rx
Kim 19:26 (25/15/sb)

Brian: great weight choice, challenging yet doable
King: Touch and go on the HSPU, keep tension
Joy: Too light chica...you are strong
Nolan: stink bugs are your new best friend
Steve: Great improvement in squat
Peter: You need to open your hips aggressively!
Kim: Still going strong, best squats to date.

Jenna said...

Rich 17:01 (25/25/sb)
Barb 15:42 (20/15/sb)
Jackie 14:48 (20/25/sb)
Fayth 15:21 (15/abmat)
Sue 13:14 (12/15/sb)
Steph C 15:07 (15/20/sb)
Jonathan 9:52 (25/35/1abmat)
Kara 13:53 (20/20/sb)
Pam 17:29 (35/ 3abmat)

Aimee 12:41 RX
Giulia 16:37 (25 fs)

Jenna said...

Keith 17:21 (MOD, 45#)
Liza 16:10 (25/15/sb)
Roman 15:41 (45/35)
Jill 17:14 (35/25)
Erika 16:07 (30/20/2abmat and sb)

Paul S said...

Dave 16:47 (45/45/2am)
Rachel 16:50 (35/35/2am)
Michal 17:12 (25/25/sb)
Regi 12:54 (25/25)
Troy 18:18 (15/25/sb)
Sean D. 18:24 (35/35/2am)
Jacob 13:00 (25/45)

Anonymous said...

Pam 17:29 35#/3Abmat

Jenna said...

Jenna 15:46(20/15/ sb)
Jeff 13:28 (45/sb)
Zac 13:35 (40/25/sb)
Flounder 16:23 (35/35/3abmats)
Josh 16:27 RX
John 15:21 (45/35/sb)
Shawna 14:14 (20/sb)
Patrick 12:28 (35)

Unknown said...


Jenna 16:14 15/25# SB
Patrick 12:31 35# RX
Jeff 14:17 45#/SB
Shawna 15:40 25#/SB
John 16:41 35/25# SB
Josh 15:30 25/35#/SB
Zak 14:31 40#/SB
Flounder 17:18 25#/SB

6:30 Mobility

John M

We are going to start focusing on muscle imbalances and how correcting them. We will contiue to work on mobility and ROM. It is my goal to keep athletes joints mobile, injury free and make sure that their body moves the way it is supposed to.