

Teams of two complete the following:
AMRAP in 30 Minutes:
One athlete (#1) pulls the sled 200 Meters (95/135#) while the other athlete (#2) completes the following:
15 Push-ups
15 Dumbbell Push Press
3 Rope Climbs 

Partner #1 will perform the work listed above. Partner #2 will pull the sled 200 meters.  Once Partner #2 returns from the sled pull, Partner #1 will grab the sled and begin their 200m, while Partner #2 continues work wherever #1 left off.

"Happiness is beneficial for the body but it is grief that develops the power of the mind."
-Marcel Proust


King said...

That was a really fun wod and overall demanding workout - 30 minutes is a loooong time - great job as partner Mark!

Mark C said...

You too King, thanks! I liked it too. I'm always more motivated in a team WOD - by fear of letting down my partner(s).

Paul S said...


Diane&Jessie 9ish :-)
Christ&Kara 7+32 #90Sled/Cargo
Lauren M. 4 #90Sled/Pulls
Bill&Pablo 5+15 #90Sled
Jonathan&David 9+6 #85


Chris A&Jessey :-P

Anonymous said...

Dave & Dinger 7+15 sc
Chip & Peter 7+15 45#
Mark C (45#) & King (#35) 7+31
Gabby 3+4 Sc

Paul S said...


Mr T&Erika 6+15 #35/#25 Rope/Cargo
Tim&Kyle 6+31 #25
Andrew Y&Cory 7+31 #25/Cargo


Shannon&Jaime 6ish :-)
Manisha&Stacy 7 #95/Cargo/Rope