

Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45/25 pounds
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-up

For weighted pull-ups place a 45/25 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles and jettison the dumbbell after third rep and continue with strict pull-ups and then the kipping pull-ups. Coming off the bar or going to ground constitutes termination of a set. 

Scale this according to level and ability for example by either 1) dropping the weight or 2) slightly varying the type of Pull-ups-- 3 deadhang pullups, 5 kipping pullups, 7 banded or jumping pullups or 3) scaling back the number of rounds--depending on what you are able to accomplish. 

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated." 

Mike S 19:23 scale
Al V 19:25 scale
King 19:00 scale
Klutch 18:54 15# plate
Ellie 19:41 scale
Kathleen 14:47 scale
Jay E 15:48 scale
Regi 20:07 scale
Brian R 26:29 scale
Patrick P 18:26 1,3,5 15#
Richard 20:00 Cap scale
Joe C 23:23 1,3,5 15#
Katrina 17:45 scale
Allison 20:32 scale
Bill 22:06
MK 26:16
Taylor: 28:12
Jessie 23:35
Rinat 35:28
Joe G 21:05
Becky 24:59
Pablo 20:00 scale
Brett 20:56 scale (1/2 rounds)
Jared 21:35 scale
Bridget 19:32 scale
Jack :)
George 19:35 scale
Mike T 15:50 Rx
Mike P 19:43 Rx
Joe P 14:32 scale
Ryan S 20:59 scale
Nick 22:10 scale
Andrew Y 16:46 scale
Borden 13:44 scale
Conn 13:40 scale
Faby 8:30 scale
Jim 18:20 scale
Vinny 8:00 scale
Alona 22:24 scale
Matt G 25:25 scale
Gene ??
Erika ??
Kelly ??
Arin 25:52 scale
JNa 22:27 scale
Sam B 17:06 Rx
Kate K 15:31 scale
Jess C 22:24 scale


Vinny said...


Mike S 19:23 scale
Al V 19:25 scale
King 19:00 scale
Klutch 18:54 15# plate
Ellie 19:41 scale
Kathleen 14:47 scale
Jay E 15:48 scale

6am crew used a host of scales to complete this workout. Several athletes were able to start with the dumbbell but not finish the WOD (Al, Klutch). It takes some getting used to - being in that position with a weight between your ankles. Some athletes also used different bands for different levels of difficulty, starting with the set of 3 using mental floss, then working up to bigger bands for the higher volume sets. Talk to a coach and figure out what works best for you to get the most out of this WOD.

Chris P. said...

I'll also recommend ring rows as a progression for those who are newer or need to work on upper body (strict) strength

Aimee Lyons said...

and remember the placement of feet on Ring Rows will directly determine the difficulty...so you could be directly under the rings for the most difficult (and even have a box under your feet) etc and progress from there.

Mike P said...

This looks awful.

See y'alls ater today.

Keith B said...


Regi 20:07 scale
Brian R 26:29 scale
Patrick P 18:26 1,3,5 15#
Richard 20:00 Cap scale
Joe C 23:23 1,3,5 15#
Katrina 17:45 scale
Allison 20:32 scale

Anonymous said...

9:30am & 12

Bill 22:06
MK 26:16
Taylor: 28:12
Jessie 23:35

Rinat 35:28
Joe G 21:05
Becky 24:59

Everyone had to scale this beast, but I saw some good practice in kipping and lots of strength being built!!!

Jen S. said...


Pablo 20:00 scale
Brett 20:56 scale (1/2 rounds)
Jared 21:35 scale
Bridget 19:32 scale
Jack :)

Welcome to Jared who dropped in from Austin TX!

Thanks to this crew for being my guinea pigs and joining me for my first official class!

Mike P said...

Congrats, Jen.

Chris P. said...

George 19:35 scale
Mike T 15:50 Rx
Mike P 19:43 Rx
Joe P 14:32 scale
Ryan S 20:59 scale
Nick 22:10 scale
Andrew Y 16:46 scale

Borden 13:44 scale
Conn 13:40 scale
Faby 8:30 scale
Jim 18:20 scale
Vinny 8:00 scale
Alona 22:24 scale
Matt G 25:25 scale
Gene ??
Erika ??
Kelly ??
Arin 25:52 scale
JNa 22:27 scale
Sam B 17:06 Rx
Kate K 15:31 scale
Jess C 22:24 scale

nice job working all sorts of scaling. But as I like to say, "progressions;" this way you are moving forward instead of feeling like you have to be behind or less than someone else