
W.O.D. 11.15.09

"Football Sunday"
a WOD from CrossFit One World

This is a three man team workout. Each team will play two 12 minute halves with a 5 minute half time.

Scoring is as follows:

* A touchdown is scored when a three man team completes 60 wall balls (M:20#/W:14#) and 60 burpees. Only two team members can be working at one time, and you cannot have the two team members working on the same exercise. If you score a touchdown, the whole team must complete a 200m run for the extra point
* A field goal is scored when the three man team completes 30 thrusters (M:75#/W:55#) and 60 box jumps (M:25"/W:21"). Only two team members can be working at one time, and you cannot have the two team members working on the same exercise.

Huge bonus points if you perform this workout wearing some sort of clothing supporting your favorite football team.

“If a team is to reach its potential, each player must be willing to subordinate his personal goals to the good of the team.”
--Bud Wilkinson


Joe A said...

Found a real interesting article in the NY times.


Chris P. said...

Joe, if the recommendation at the end of the article is to simply jump to get stronger bones, I'm going to start calling YOU "Wolverine" because your jumping ability = adamantium bones

Joe A said...

Chris don't reveal my secrets...I don't know what adamantium is....

I think the gist of the article is that fast explosive movements build more bone density and most people don't stimulate enough bone growth.

Ray said...


"Up and at 'em Atom Ant"!

That's old school baby. One of my favorites.


Check out the barbell presses at the end.

Ray said...

Did this at home:

5 Rounds:

10 Barbell Thrusters
10 KB Swings
100 Single Unders
10 Barbell Muscle Snatch
10 Box Jump

Used a 45# bar, 35# KB, 21" Box.

Time: 21:11

Looks simple, but it is quite the full body cardio burner. AMRAP in 20 would jack up the intensity, and it could be scaled up as well, but this gets the job done.

Nikki said...

Results from today's WOD

2 person teams:
Cliff & John : 29
Todd & Tom : 23
Laura & Trish : 19

3 person teams:
Hannah, Lisa, K-Ditty : 31
Sam, Chris P, Mike F : 40
Kristen, Kate, Jo Anne : 25

Great job everyone!! I loved the teamwork today - everyone was really motivating and encouraging eachother - that's what CrossFit's all about!!

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