
W.O.D. 12.30.21

4 Rounds for time of:
50 Air Squats
7 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)

Cash out:
Strict or Weighted Pull-up 

“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.” 
—Abraham Maslow


Colette said...

Mike S 17:02 95# bspu
Kristi B 13:50 45# bspu
Laura S 15:30 75# bspu
Subhan 15:26 4 bmu
Brian S 10:24 5 bmu
Sean F 13:22 RX+ 205#
Elizabeth 16:28 5 bmu (some banded) 125#
Greg 16:58 RX
Kate C 15:08 bspu
Hannah 13:48 135# box jumping mu

Ben Berry said...

Seth 19:29 135# RR
Matt 17:26 95# kip swings
Baez 18:22RX
Danielle C. 18:12 JBMU 75#
Erini 18:15 75# Kip Swings
Marissa 18:44RX

Taylor W said...

The Natalie 11:08 feet elevated RR
Jeff p 12:33 rx+ 185#
Erin 13:57 rx
Meg o 13:31 rx
Ben b 13:43 spu 125#
Leda 10:07 65# Jbmu
Alex tu 14:16 105# jbmu