
W.O.D. 7.6.19

The Lyons Press Medley 

Shoulder Press-Push Press-Push Jerk 

 Keeping a barbell in your hands throughout the sequence of the 3 movements, perform 3 reps of Shoulder Press, 3 reps of Push Press and 3 reps of Push Jerks prior to re-racking the barbell. 

 You will add weight to the barbell based on your level and ability. Perform the same sequence (3SP/3PP/3PJ) and re-rack. You will continue to increase the weight on the bar and the weight will eventually get to the point you cannot perform the Shoulder Press. At this point continue the Press Medley with only the Push Press and Push Jerk (3PP/3PJ). When the weight gets too heavy that you you fail on the Push Press you will continue the Press Medley with Push Jerks (3 reps) only. Record the top weight for each lift.

Click here to compare to 11.15.16.
Click here to compare to 3.23.15.
Click here to compare to 8.30.14.
Click here to compare to 2.19.13.

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."
- John F. Kennedy

1 comment:

  1. 9am
    Faith 60/85/95
    Steph C 65/85/95
    Mae 68/73/73
    Andre 135/155/135
    Jess 60/80/90
    Donna 70/80/90

    Mark B 75/75/75
    Erika R 65/75/95
    Subhan 85/125/145
    Neil D 165/205/235
    John K 145/145/175

    Steph V 80/95/105
