
W.O.D. 7.7.19

4 Rounds of:
AMRAP in 4:00 Minutes
15 Hang Power Snatch 65/95#
15 Calories Row
15 Toes to Bar
Rest 2:00

(record total reps for all 4 Rounds)

"The starting and ending point of your personal discipline is exclusively controlled by you. Something can trigger it. Someone can encourage it. Your environment can support it. But only you can start it." 
- Brian Kight

1 comment:

  1. 9 am
    Edwin 71-65-52-66 (HPC, ghd)
    Evie 55-53-51-56 rx
    Laura A. 61-67-67-67 (ghd)
    Kim 47-47-50-55 (25, rom ttb)
    Mike Mit. 50-48-45-40 (65, rom ttb)

    10 am
    Erik F. 56-56-46-40 (75, kr)
    Sean S. 68-60-45-46 rx
    Sydney 50-46-45-40 (55-45, abmat)
    Jill H. 53-49-46-47 (55, rom ttb)
    Alex B. 37-45-42-46 (45, rom ttb)
    Christine 40-45-40-40 (35, rom ttb)
    Subhan 60-45-36-46 rx
    Shiva 45-38-31-32 (15, kr)
