
W.O.D. 2.14.19

Today, Thursday, February 14th we will be hosting the Valentines Day WOD at all classes. Feel free to bring your significant other, partner, friend or relative...to give CrossFit a try for FREE. Even if you don't come with a partner, You will be paired up with someone. 

There will be FREE babysitting available at the 9:30 AM class!

We will scale this based on level and ability for new comers. This is a FREE class for first timers who come with a current CFKoP member!!

Each partner must share the work load and complete a portion of the below while the other partner continually holds a bumper plate over head. (Ladies#25/Gentlemen#45). We will scale the load overhead if necessary. If the bumper plate touches the ground at any time, each partner must complete 50 burpees. The bumper plate cannot rest on any object or body part, it must be held over head.

Exercises can be completed in any order. 

 For time:
50 Wallballs (14/20#) 
75 Kettelbell swings (35/55#) 
100 Push Ups 
150 Sit-Ups 
200 Squats 
800M Run

Past Results: 

(2.14.18) or (2.14.17) or  (2.12.16)  or  (2.14.15) or (2.14.14) or (2.17.13) or 2.14.12 or 2.13.11 or 2.13.10 or 2.14.09 or 6.24.09)

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” 
— Ralph Waldo Emerson


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  2. 6am
    The Spak Attack (Mark/Jamie)25:45 (25#/15#)
    The Heartbreakers 25:20 (Matt D and JeFF G) (16#wb, 35#kb, 15#plate)
    Experience Matters 25:45 (Mike S44# Russian, 14#wb/King44#kb)
    Team RIP Maria 23:51 (Mike P/Maria)
    Gimpy Nemo 23:51 Rx (Colleen/Jen) Rx
    Be My Valentine 22:07 Rx (jeremy/theresa)
    AVS 20:52 Rx (JP/Dana)
    Chip/Emily D 27:42 scaled
    Purple Already 25:02 "Rx minus" (800m runs on AirBike) (Sean S and Sam B)

    Joelle/Alona 23:40

  3. Fristers (aimee/cate) 20:35 rx
    3 is better than 2 (jilla/jenna/steph) 25:04rx/ sc
    I did more (dave and ann marie) 23:36 (15/25#)
    Labor Pains (gordy and susan) 24:16 (15#pl, 44/35 kb, 14#wb)
    Newbies (christine r and larissa) 27:09 (30/26 kb, 15#pl, 10# wb)
    Couzins(emily and richelle) 32;50 (10#/4#, sc)
    409 (jess and mike) 29:25 sc

  4. 1215
    Pretty nerds (Cherie and Farrah) 26:44 sc
    Double impact (Toto bro’s) 27:35 (25# side hold)
    Wolf pack (Maddie and mike) 24:15 sc
    Pr and er (Carl b and Pete d) 23:23 sc plate hold
    No oh no prob (Edwin and evie) 22:50 (70# sb/ rx)
    Just enuff (lucas and John mc) 24:38 sc

  5. Masters
    No plate hold (1000m row/50wb/75 kbs/ 100 push ups/ 100 sit ups/ 150 squats)
    Jack and dad 25:03
    Gigi/ Laurie/ Annie 24:02

  6. Villanova
    Karlson and the Karls 24:17 rx/ sc
    Gabriella and Annette 26:37 sc

    Zip-it-e-doodle/ Ali and Steve 25:52

  7. Team Tank (bridget and kelly) 24:02 rx
    Bobcats (Andrea and sam) 27:30sc
    Double Trouble (Jill H and sydney) 29:56 sc
    New Friends (Ina and Jen) 30:59 sc
    Ka- Erin (Erin and Kate) 25:46 rx/ 15#
    Team Side Part (Vinnie and Joe S) 25:25 rx/25#
    ER (Alex Th and Roberto) 29:11 sc

  8. 530
    Eggplant Parm (twinnie and caitlyn) 24:49 (15#)
    Team Beans (jeff p and lindsey) 25:03 sc
    Guys being Dudes (Sam F and Andrew M) 23:47 (45/25#)
    Cupids Crusters (donna and alex and becky) 22:59 (15#)
    Animals feel Pain (fayth and steph c) 28:22 sc
    Bend and Snap (cory and micah) 19:43 (25#)
    No Scrubs (Merna and Sara) 30:41 sc

  9. Morning meets night (Manisha and Gia_) 25:58
    Mini Me:Jess / Becca: 24:45
    Love Birds Tyrell / Liz
    Mac and Cheese Massacre 22:55
    OTFers: 28:30
    Capt Morgans: 29:56
    Gradys R us: 24:55
    Toon and Doon: 26:22
    Chak and Mike: 30:14

    Team 3some: 29:39
