
W.O.D. 8.28.18


"Baseline" x3
500m Row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit- Ups
20 Push- ups
10 Pull- Ups

CLICK HERE to compare to 2.28.18
CLICK HERE to compare to 5.18.18

"Enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. And don't lose the passion and the love for what you do."
- Nadia Comaneci


  1. Express
    Rich a 13:03 rx pr
    Pam h 21:06 (rr, kB dl)
    Tim h 15:16 (2 rds, sn, rom)
    Cal 19:24 rx
    Pete d 16:55 rx strict pull up
    Lucas 18:30 rx
    Meredith 21:53 rom
    Jessie 21:48 snake
    Matt t 18:26 rr
    Kevin t 17:18 rx
    Jp t 18:06 (2 rds, rr, “some other stuff”)
    Kevin h 16:48 rx
    Julia m 23:26 (400m, rr, plank, knee push ups)

    Gordy 19:18 rx

    300m row
    25 squats
    20 sit ups
    15 push ups
    10 pull ups
    Terry j 18:50 sn
    Laurie b 18:00 (inc/ band, rr)

  2. Villanova
    Matt K 16:25rx
    Bri 20:22 (band, inc, 30 squats)
    Kate 19:35 (band, sn)
    Lauren 22:00 (rr, inc)
    Bethany 20:28 (band, sn)Ashley 18:57 (6pu, sn)

    Joe M 17:36 (1min plank)
    Manisha 21:41 (inc) PR!
    Jilla 16:55 rx
    Mike M 22:20 sn
    Karen 22:44 (band, sn)
    Braden 15:02 rx
    Makayla 20:00 (5 pua)
    Alex Th 21:48 sn
    Alona 18:58 rx pr!
    Manny 23:40 rx
    Lea W 21:05 rx
    Dave H 20:59 rx

  3. steph v 24:18 20"rom/24"inc/MFx2

  4. 9:30
    Jackie h 23:45rx pr
    Anna l 15:37 Rx
    Nicole m 22:55 1kbike dbsitpr15 rr
    Emily g 23:07 inc/bnd

  5. 7:30p
    Brian s 15:21 Rx
    Missy 22:12 rr/incline pushups
    Erika R 22:34 incline pushups
    Neil d 22:50 Rx PR (2mins)!!
    Dave M 19:04 2rds/rr
    Lucile 26:00 20” box incline pushups/rr
    Mike r 17:55 Rx PR!
    May T 22:14 rr/snake
    Esra 29:36 incline push up/5 pull-ups per round
    Dave N 27:48 Rx

  6. 5:30
    Josh Mc. 13:42 rx
    Remer 15:27 rx PR!
    Steph M. 21:12 rx PR!
    Mariana 22:53 sn
    Dan M. 20:37 rx PR!
    Kyle Gr. 18:28 rx
    Adam R. 19:12 rx PR!
    Brian Z. 15:47 rx PR!
    Laura A. 17:01 rx tie!
    Andrew M. 13:14 rx
    Jen C. 19:29 rx PR!
    Shawna 24:21 sn
    Joe S. 14:04 rx PR!
    Steph C. 20:05 sn
    Matt B. sn PR!
    Josh S. 19:04 rx
    Jeff H. 21:39 rx PR!

    Jonathan 16:09 rx
    Samson 17:59 rx PR!
    Marissa 21:54 sn PR!
    Erik 24:56 rx
    Caitlyn B. 22:59 (1/2 sn, 1/2 rx) PR!
    Michael C. 18:39 (rom butterfly) PR!
    Hassan 26:01 rx
    Adam S. 18:10 rx
    Matt E. 24:08 rx PR!
    Mike Mc. 20:30 (30-20-10-5(rr) reps)
    Jill R. 22:50 rr
    Phani 18:24 rx PR!
    Abby 22:27 sn/band PR!

  7. 6 am
    Ed (drop-in): 20:03 RX
    Dana D: 16:28 PR RXpush the row next time
    Sean S: 15:29 RX
    Jeff G: 24:00
    Kevin B: 15:27 rX
    Kevin L: 14:42 RX
    Mark S: 16:55 RX
    Jamie S: 19:52 ring row
    Colleen B: 20:58 ring row, box pu
    Julie: 21:35 snake, ring push up
    Nikki: 15:45 rX
    Ricardo: 19:57
    Jen H: 22:53 box pu, RR
    Meg O: 15:08 ROM butterfly
    Chip: 20:06 RX

    Matt D: 19:39 RX
    Sam B: 18:48 RX
    Chak: 18:54 RX
    Joelle: 25:14 snake pu
    Anna C: 23:17 banded pull up box pu
    Lauren H: 27:01 Snake, spa
    Mark C: 18:18 RX
    Alex B: 26:25 banded pull up box push up
