
W.O.D. 1.1.17

We are CLOSED for New Year's Day

Modified Schedule, Monday, January 2nd:
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express 
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

...we will resume our normal schedule on 1/3

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."
–Anais Nin

Check in for Charity

Thank you for all your check-in's for the Month of December, in addition to the toys and gifts we donated to the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth. There were 281 "check-in's". The MCOCY has requested a gift card in lieu monetary donation, we will use the $28.10 and round that up to $30 for a Gift Card for the families of the MCOCY.

In honor of Martin Luther King day our January charity is the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. The UUSC is a nonsectarian human rights organization powered by grassroots collaboration. Their mission is to advance human rights and social justice around the world, partnering with those who confront unjust power structures and mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies. Everytime you visit the gym in Janaury check in on social media and use the hashtags #repsforrights and #checkinforcharity

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee http://www.uusc.org/about-uusc/


W.O.D. 12.31.16

(Bring your Friends and Family)

Teams of 4 complete these two mini AMRAPs:

AMRAP in 10 Minutes
10 Calories Air Bike
15 Sit-ups

***Rest 2 Minutes***

AMRAP in 10 Minutes
10 Box Jumps (20/24")
10 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10ft)

(Partner 1 and partner 2 complete the first AMRAP while partner 3 and partner 4 are completing the second AMRAP, partners will rotate during the two minute rest to complete the alternate AMRAP. The score will be the total rounds completed for the team)

Today's Schedule:
Saturday, December 31st
New Years Eve 10:00am Friends and Family (Free Babysitting) 
10:00am Open Strength (annex) 

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.
–Zig Ziglar


W.O.D. 12.30.16

Partner WoD:
All for time:
30-20-10 reps of:

30-20-10 reps of:
Push Jerk (95/135#)
Toes to Bar

30-20-10 reps of:
Thruster (95/135#)
Ring Dip

**One partner works at a time. Exercises must be done in the order listed. Reps listed are totals for the team.

Modified Weekend Schedule:
Friday, December 30th 
6:00am WOD
7:00am WOD
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express WOD
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

Saturday, December 31st
New Years Eve 10:00am Friends and Family (Free Babysitting) 
10:00am Open Strength (annex) 

Sunday, January 1st 
New Years Closed for Holiday 

 Monday, January 2nd 
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express 
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

"Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is."
–Vince Lombardi


W.O.D. 12.29.16


Cash out:
Tabata Time
Squat, Push Ups, Sit Ups
20 seconds or work/10 seconds of rest - 8 consecutive intervals
0 rest between rounds
Score is total reps for all exercises

Modified Weekend Schedule:
Friday, December 30th 
6:00am WOD
7:00am WOD
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express WOD
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

Saturday, December 31st
New Years Eve 10:00am Friends and Family (Free Babysitting) 
10:00am Open Strength (annex) 

Sunday, January 1st 
New Years Closed for Holiday 

 Monday, January 2nd 
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express 
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.
–Amelia Earhart


W.O.D. 12.28.16

For time:
1000 Meter Row
10 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)
20 Pull-ups
750 Meter Row
10 Clean and Jerks (105/155#)
20 Pull-ups
500 Meter Row
10 Clean and Jerks (135/205#)
20 Pull-ups

Modified Weekend Schedule:
Friday, December 30th 
6:00am WOD
7:00am WOD
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express WOD
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

Saturday, December 31st
New Years Eve 10:00am Friends and Family (Free Babysitting) 
10:00am Open Strength (annex) 

Sunday, January 1st 
New Years Closed for Holiday 

 Monday, January 2nd 
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express 
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
–Napoleon Hill


W.O.D. 12.27.16


 Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of: 
 2 Muscle-ups 
 4 Handstand Push-ups 
 8 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)

If your heart sets out to do good things, things will only get better.
-Sheng-Lin Andrew Tseng

2017 Nutrition Challenge- Get in Gear for the New Year!

We know commitment to changing nutrition is hard, (and we are all at different levels) but we also know it's easier with a support team! So we are here to help, Join us on Sunday, January 8th at 11:00AM.

Choose your level: Introductory/Fitness, Intermediate/Performance or Advanced/Elite

Commit to cutting one, two or three of the following items out of your diet:
Refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, soda, alcohol, processed food, dairy, gluten.
Make it to the box minimum 3x week.

Commit to cutting all of following items out of your diet:
Refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, soda, alcohol, processed food, dairy, gluten.
Eat quality foods: Meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar.
Make it to the box minimum 4x week.
Use the app of your choice (My Fitness Pal is a good one) or (old school pen and paper) to track what you eat. You will need to focus on quality foods here, not quantity. Be true to yourself and honest when recording what you eat.

Commit to cutting all of following items out of your diet:
Refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, soda, alcohol, processed food, dairy, gluten.
Eat quality foods: Meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar.
Make it to the box minimum 5x week.
Use the app of your choice or (old school pen and paper) to track what you eat. In addition to quality foods you are now responsible for the quantity you consume.
You will need to weigh and measure your food.
We will provide you with metrics to measure your macronutrients, in the form of numbers or blocks.

All levels will start with:
Weigh in

This will be a 30 day challenge, there is a $30 buy-in.
Anyone who finishes the 30 days will receive a T-shirt.
Male and Female overall winners will get one FREE month of Unlimited Membership at CrossFit KoP! Winners will be based on body compositions metrics and performance.
Join us on January 8th at 11:00AM for a mini-lecture and kick off!

2017 at CrossFit King of Prussia

Last year as we entered into 2016 we evolved our programming to seek improved performance out of our athletes. We wanted them to improve in regards to increased strength, decreased times in benchmark workouts and increased proficiency in gymnastic skills. We laid out plan for the year and worked diligently towards this goal.

We succeeded, our athletes who consistently attended classes saw increases in performance, lifts and gymnastic skills, and therefore they increased their work capacity across broad time and modal domains, (the goal of CrossFit).

From 2016 on average our athletes had the following improvements in our "Test day" benchmark workouts and lifts:
Annie (0:43)
Christine (3 EMOM rounds)
Christine (1:38)
Elizabeth (1:55)
Fight Gone Bad (27 reps)
Grace (0:31)
Jackie (1:01)
JJ (3:08)
Karen (1:30)
Nicole (14 reps)
3RM Deadlift (29 lbs)
3 RM Push Press (13 lbs)
15 RM OHS (14 lbs)
(the final data for DT, Nate and 3 RM Front Squat will be available soon)

As we move into 2017, we will yet again be improving our programming to get the best results out of our athletes.  We want our athletes to be good at CrossFit and the ten general physical skills so that they have a general, physical, preparedness that enables them to do well at any sport or task life throws their way now, and long into the future.

With the goal of bringing more to the class hour while maintaining our constant pursuit of solid form and technique for all athletes, our programming will incorporate the following:

1. 12 NEW benchmark workouts, 6 lifts and 10 skill benchmarks programmed on a rotating 3 month cycle

2. Consistent retesting of benchmarks

3. The incorporation of a strength and MORE metcon into our one hour 1-2x per week

4. Gymnastics skill work 3 times per week with a focus on testing these skills

If testing progress is not a part of your programming, there is no way to evaluate the success or failure of your programming.

This plan will continuously help us evaluate our progress over the next year. Together, the workouts will test an athlete’s capacity in all the CrossFit time domains, movements, and ten general physical skills.

We will use these workouts on a continuous basis to help us evaluate whether our programming is developing athletes in all areas, not just one or two, and to keep athletes focused on their continuous improvement and consistency at the gym.

Please note, these will NOT be the only workouts and lifts you will see programmed throughout the year but prove as our testing ground.

To take full advantage of the upcoming year it will be imperative that you log your workouts and check in on the blog.

Join us in 2017. Create a New You today!


W.O.D. 12.26.16

EMOM for 10 Minutes:
Odd: 15 Burpees 
Even: 20 Thrusters (55/75#)

Today's Classes:
Monday, December 26th
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting)
12:15 Express
1:00pm Open Strength
3:30pm WOD
4:30pm WOD 

"Gratitude and attitude are not challenges; they are choices."
-Robert Braathe

The Advent Winners are in!!!

Congratulations to...
Peanut Butter Bars -Maggie
Photo Shoot- Aimee
PT Session with Gordy- Jill H
PT Session with Rachel - Danielle G
PT Session with Giulia - Alan K
PT Session with Jenna - Alan K
PT Session with Tim P- Katie M
PT Session with Jason - Mark Stipa
Wine Basket - Patrick P
PT Session with Aimee - Aileen
PT Session with Keith - Mark Stipa
PT Session with Steph - Brianna K
CFK Merchandise - Mooney
PT Session with Jill A - Ina
CFKids Classes - Mary H


W.O.D. 12.25.16


We are CLOSED for for the holiday today.

Enjoy the REST day with friends and family 


 Monday, December 26th 
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express 
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

"Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values"
-Thomas S. Monson


W.O.D. 12.24.16

FREE Friends and Family workout today at 10:00AM

Teams of 4 Complete the following for time: 
Team member 1 and 2 simultaneously complete a 200M run and in relay fashion they come back to tag Team member 3 and 4. When Team member 3 and  4 return from the 200M run they tag and 2 who now run a 400M run, upon their return they tag 3 and  4 who complete the 400M run. As of now each athlete has completed a 200M and a 400M...the above sequence will be followed again until all athletes complete 2 - 200M runs and 2 - 400M runs. The time stops once the athletes finish the run...

 ...when all athletes are finished a new timer starts, all 4 athletes must complete a total of:
100 Burpees
200 Air Squats 
300 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
2000 Meter Row
(two athletes can work at once, while one is on the Rower)

Score will be total time of the run and the metcon at the end.
for example 10:18/9:29

Advent Day 24--Last day!
Max number of Kettlebell Swings without putting the KB down!

Community Notes:

Today's Schedule
10:00am Friends and Family Workout and (Free Babysitting)
10:00am Open Strength (Annex)

tomorrow 12/25....we will be CLOSED for the Holiday.

"Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out."
 -John Wooden



W.O.D. 12.23.16

12 Days of Christmas--CrossFit Style
1 Deadlift (185/275)
2 Handstand Push-ups
3 Box Jumps (20"/24")
4 Push-ups
5 Med Ball Cleans (14/20)
6 Burpees
7 Toes to Bar
8 Clean and Jerks (75/115)
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/115)
10 Wall Balls (14/20) to (9ft/10ft)
11 Thrusters (75/115)
12 Power Snatches (75/115) 

Just sing the 12 days of Christmas to yourself and follow the exercises...You will complete 1 Deadlift...then 2 Handstand Push-ups; 1 Deadlfit...then 3 Box Jumps; 2 Handstand Push-ups; 1 Deadlfit...and so on 4,3,2,1...5,4,3,2,1....etc, until you get from 12-1 you will be finished with the workout. This is a chipper, so be ready. We will scale to level and ability.
You can work in teams of 2!

(compare to 12.24.14) 

or (compare to 12.24.15)

Advent Day 23:
1 Mile Run (do it and get a ticket!)
Best Male and Female get 10 tickets each!

Community Notes:
Today's Schedule
Friday, December 23rd (12 Days of Christmas)
6:00am WOD
7:00am WOD
 9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting)
12:15 Express WOD
1:00pm Open Strength (annex)
3:30pm WOD
4:30pm WOD

"The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated."
-William James

Christmas Giving

I'm not even sure if I can properly express the gratitude to this amazing tribe. The generosity of the members of CrossFit King of Prussia allowed us to give to 10 families and 30 kids this year! 

We donated gifts and gift cards to the Norristown Police Department and the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth. There is one amazing woman who put us in contact with these organizations and that thanks goes to Lisa, who has a bigger heart than anyone I know. 

 "It's not joy that makes us grateful; its gratitude that makes us joyful."


W.O.D. 12.22.16

Five rounds for time of: 
12 Deadlifts (105/155#) 
9 Hang power cleans (105/155#) 
6 Push jerks (105/155#)

Advent Day 22
50 Wallballs for time (fastest time wins...Male/Female)
Fastest time with the 30# WB will win too!

Community Notes:
Holiday Schedule
Friday, December 23rd (12 Days of Christmas)
6:00am WOD
7:00am WOD
 9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting)
12:15 Express WOD
1:00pm Open Strength (annex)
3:30pm WOD
4:30pm WOD

 Saturday, December 24th- Christmas Eve
10:00am Friends and Family (Free Babysitting)
10:00am Open Strength (Annex)

Sunday, December 25th- Christmas Closed for Holiday 

 Monday, December 26th 
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express 
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

"If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily."
-Gerald Good