
W.O.D. 12.28.16

For time:
1000 Meter Row
10 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)
20 Pull-ups
750 Meter Row
10 Clean and Jerks (105/155#)
20 Pull-ups
500 Meter Row
10 Clean and Jerks (135/205#)
20 Pull-ups

Modified Weekend Schedule:
Friday, December 30th 
6:00am WOD
7:00am WOD
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express WOD
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

Saturday, December 31st
New Years Eve 10:00am Friends and Family (Free Babysitting) 
10:00am Open Strength (annex) 

Sunday, January 1st 
New Years Closed for Holiday 

 Monday, January 2nd 
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
12:15 Express 
1:00pm Open Strength 
3:30pm WOD 
4:30pm WOD 

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
–Napoleon Hill


  1. 5:15am
    Ellie H: 28:50 65/80/95
    Aimee: 20:55 Rx
    Theresa L: 20:01 65/80/95
    Manisha: 23:03 60/70/80
    Mike San: 85/95/105

    Mark Spak: 25:29 95/115/135
    Jeff B: 22:52 115/135/155
    Ben M: 27:57 95/123/135

    Justin R: 25:20 115/135/145
    Kate K: 27:37 65/85/95

  2. 9:30 AM

    Matt B. 26:27,115,135,155
    Liz B. 30:40,55,75,75,band
    Jill H. 26:21,65,85,95
    Kevin B. 25:07,105,125,145
    Michael C. 20:46,75,85,95
    Kevin H. 22:10,115,125,135
    Katie M. 29:03 55,65,75,band
    Jessica A. 29:00,55,65,75,ring push-ups
    Meggan L. 26:24,63,73,73,band
    Joe M. 24:42,95,115,95
    Karen S. 29:15,45,50,55,band
    Anna C. 26:31,55,55,55,band
    Jackie H. 26:41,75,95,105
    Edwin L. 24:06,135,135,135
    Laura P. 20:31,95,105,115


  3. 12:15 EXP

    Joe C. 22:11,115,135,155
    Mark S. 19:41,95,115,135
    Tim H. 23:57,95,115,125,bike,10 PU/rnd
    Pam G. 23:11,95,105,115
    Dana D. 23:35,85,95,105
    Ryan S. 23:52,95,115,125
    Rich A. 20:54 Rx
    Seba A. 25:45,53,63,73,band
    Brian R. 25:21,65,85,85,ring rows
    Nicole R. 24:31,41,41,41 band
    Jessie S. 23:27,65,75,85
    Steph V. 27:12,75,95,115


  4. 4:30

    Giuls 28:18 Rx
    Jill A 27:42 Rx
    Stephanie C 22:47 55/60/65 PUs 20/10/10


  5. Keith

    20:46 RX
    Aileen 25:24 95/100/105 band
    Danielle 22:38 75/85/105
    Mariana 65/75/85
    Josh 20:00 115/135/155
    Mooney 24:05 rx
    Dave N 28:48 RX
    Chris 23:39 95/115/135
    Cline 23:42 115/135/155
    Steph M 23:46 65/75/85
    Angelo 25:18 135/155/195
    Wendy 27:41 55/65/75
    Rachel 24:04 RX
    Bryan 28:25 75/85/105
    Lisa Choi 27:58 55/65/75 band
